Extending range on Holybro Sik Radios 915 mhz

Hello, I’m using the Holybro SIK 915 mhz telemetry radios for my fixed wing drone project. Wondering what’s the best antenna’s to use to extend the range to a couple km’s?

Would these antenna’s from TBS help extend the range?
for the ground radio: https://www.team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:vas_longshot_915
for the receiver radio: https://www.team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:xf_immortal_t_v2_ee

Are you aware of the ArduPilot SiK docs?

They are really good, and mention several points to increase range. The obvious one is to increase the power levels, depending on what is allowed in the area you fly in.

Thanks a lot, I hadn’t seen the ardupilot docs! Those are very helpful, thank you.

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