Have struggled with multiple issues trying to follow the standard toolchain instructions for MacBook M3 running Sonoma 14.6.1 so I thought I’d post what works for me in case it’s useful.
I’m new to PX4 - so I’m not sure why these work and the standard instructions don’t
- From clean MacBook
- Follow standard MacBook installation instructions but stop before installing Homebrew
- Set terminal to run rosetta mode per standard instructions
- Make 2 suggested edits to ~/.zshenv
- Install standard Mac developer tools from command line: xcode-select –-install
- Download code: git clone GitHub - PX4/PX4-Autopilot: PX4 Autopilot Software --recursive
- Set up a Python Virtual Environment
- Cd ~/px4-autopilot/tools/setup
- Run “sh macOS.sh --sim-tools”
- This will throw an error - run python3 -m pip install -r ./requirements.txt to address
- Follow this post: MacOS (M1/Silicon) Simulation Build Issue Solution to uninstall QT
- Can then make px4_sitl gazebo-classic and it works
Very happy to finally get this working - has taken me several rebuilds of my Mac and much trial and error - now to start actually coding something.