Ho @Igor_Misic thanks for the replay. I saw it, so if I got it I have to run the make with my target board with boardconfig at the end. After that I have to do the make again with upload at the end or what?
I saw it, so if I got it I have to run the make with my target board with boardconfig at the end. After that I have to do the make again with upload at the end or what?
It works, but when I remove some modules I get errors, for some of these it makes sense but for others not at all. For example I tried to remove fw_att_control because I will use my flight controller on a multicopter and it seems reasonable that I won’t need modules related to fixed wing airframes
I ran into the same issue, maby there’s some thing to do with the method implementation, some control methods may be reused.
If you want you can still delete some lines of code from the fw_att_control module to reduse the built size of firmware tho.
Good morning Dalong,
the solution proposed by @Igor_Misic worked for me. As @GTM_ssj said some module than might seem to be unnecessary cannot be disabled.
What you can do is try to disable one module, compile and check that everything is fine. Iterate the process until you don’t have enough memory.
Thanks for your reply. I am trying to use make px4_fmu-v6x_default boardconfig to disable fw_att_control & fw_rate_control and then test my stuff but does not work. In this case, do you know how to do the test?