Custom qgroundcontrol using qt

@Deathstroke69 @Karl_Schoelpple hey guys ive seen a lot of your input on qgc customization.So i would love for you gys to help me install the right version or the stable version of qgroundcontrol and could you walk me through the build

Somewhat bad timing.
QGC master files are currently undergoing significant changes / upgrades.
Android and custom build appear to be lagging behind. (lower priority).

There is version 5 in development and when building from master you can already see some of those new features and changes. (use at own risk as is not finished yet).
Stable branch is currently at version 4.4.0 which is based on 4.3.0 with some bug fixes.

As things change almost daily at the moment it is hard to provide detailed help, which I not provide usually anyway, rather more a generic help which benefits the greater user community of QGC.
Some info here:

you can install the stable version by downloading directly from this link Download and Install | QGC Guide (master)

sure,thanks ill try and let you know about the progress

oh thats a bit unfortunate but ill try my luck and look for ways to finish the build

hey guys so im facing an issue.Ive installed the stable version 4.4.0 version of the qgc source file and right now i have a 6.7.2 version which is also known as the qt 14.0 version of qt creator.So im not able to configure the kits properly and also the kit doesnt come with c++ compiler but just the c++ source code as stated by an error i encountered .Also when i got the kit selection its selected a default kit which is 5.12.7 mingw 64 but im getting the error that theres an unsupported windows toolchain and that only 2017 visual studio 64 bit is supported.Is there any way to get past this blockade

so im having a few troubles with my current setup.So im using qt creator 14.0 or 6.7.2
im also using a 5.15.17 64 bit kit and theres an error stating i donot have a c++ compiler but the c++ source code exists .Could someone walk me through why my build is giving the compiler error and why i am also getting an error while building stating 2017 visual studio 64 bit is only supported.I also found out that i get another error while debugging the kits stating MAVlink dialect "all"does not exist at the mavlink file location.

You need to follow the build instruction or else will fail.

I cloned the stable version 4.4 of QGroundControl from GitHub and successfully built it for Windows. I installed the GStreamer library on my system. After that, I connected my Siyi A8 Mini camera via RTSP link, and I am receiving the camera feed on my GCS software. However, I am unable to support the zoom and gimbal functionalities. Can you help me control the zoom and gimbal features of my Siyi camera, model name A8 Mini?

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Those features are currently being worked on and should be functional in the upcoming version 5.0.
If you want to see what it will look like you can build a version from master.
The icons and some other elements are working, but the actual camera control isn’t yet. (As of beginning of October at least).

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Sir, I have a camera with which I have an API or I want to add two buttons on my main video screen page when I click on the main plus or minus buttons to call the zoom in or zoom out function of my camera’s API. Like sir, I am currently using the stable_V4.2 version of QGC or I need help as to what is the key which I want to change, what changes should I make in which file so that I can call my api functions. What kind of requirement would you or I have for doing this?

Please open a new issue.

Hello sir, I want to know that in my qgroundcontrol project, I had included a library to control my camera which I had kept inside the externallibs folder. Or after that I was able to use my camera controls command properly in my project but my command was not working when I run it on Android.When I build my project for Android, the command I use to control the camera shows me the error that this command is not found Now please tell me how to make your project for android without error build so that you can control your camera at android level also.