CUAV PMU Wiring Instructions for Cube Orange

Hey community,
If you are like me and need a beefier power module the CUAV PMU is a great option. Unfortunately, it is designed specifically for their ecosystem, and I bought one thinking it would easily be connected into the cube orange. Fortunately, their service team worked with me to get it connected and running on cube orange. The images below detail how to set it up more exactly.

The basics are that you have to solder a new power connector and can connector from your cube orange cable kit onto the end of the cable included with the pmu.

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Update 2: The parameters on the CUAV CAN PMU can be changed through the SL CAN interface on Mission Planner using the steps in the following video:

Update: The CAN PMU is tuned for LiPo batteries only. This means that minimum voltage is hard coded at 3.5v per cell. Using batteries with lower empty cell voltage leads to false percentage remaining calculations and the associated warnings in QGC and Mission Planner. It is not possible to adjust these settings through MavLink Console as it is with other power modules.

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