Creating new mixer model for Octo-H airframe


I am trying to make an octo-H mixer model in ROMFS/px4mu_common/mixers according to

There seems to be no Multirotor mixer for the octo-H, and I failed to make one using the Summing mixers. Is there any way to make a new mixer model with different geometric configuration?


(picture of the drone crash due to wrong motor mixing btw)

Thank you, Kangmin Lee

Hello @kangmin7

Have you tried creating a new mixer geometry:

It should be fairly simple. You can call it octa_h with the key “8h”

If you have any issues let me know, I can support you with it.

@RicardoM17 Thank you very much for your help!

I have made the new octo-H geometry like this

key = “8H”
description = “Generic Octacopter in H configuration”

axis = [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
Ct = 1.0
Cm = 0.05

name = “front_right”
position = [1.08, 0.543, 0.0]
direction = “CW”

name = “rear_left”
position = [-1.08, -0.543, 0.0]
direction = “CW”

name = “mid_front_right”
position = [0.36, 0.543, 0.0]
direction = “CCW”

name = “rear_right”
position = [-1.08, 0.543, 0.0]
direction = “CCW”

name = “front_left”
position = [1.08, -0.543, 0.0]
direction = “CCW”

name = “mid_rear_left”
position = [-0.36, -0.543, 0.0]
direction = “CCW”

name = “mid_front_left”
position = [0.36, -0.543, 0.0]
direction = “CW”

name = “mid_rear_right”
position = [-0.36, 0.543, 0.0]
direction = “CW”

The only confusing part was that I had to invert the y position of the rotors in this file order to match the rotor geometry in the sdf file.

I wrote

R: 8H

in the mixer file and

. ${R}etc/init.d/rc.mc_defaults
set MAV_TYPE 14
set MIXER octo_H

in the configuration file.

I added the file names of configuration, mixer, and mixer geometry (the one you told me) to the CMakeLists.txt, but I still got the following error:

ERROR [mixer_module] mixer load failed with -1
ERROR [mixer] failed to load mixers from etc/mixers/octo_H.main.mix
ERROR [mixer] failed to load mixer
ERROR [init] Failed loading mixer: etc/mixers/octo_H.main.mix

Is there something more to do in order to use the “8H” key?

does the mixer have the right name?


And you added both the mixer file and the new geometry to the respective CMakeLists?

geometry here:

and the mixer here:

You said you did but just making sure.

Because if not it looks all good:

EDIT: nevermind I believe your mixer needs to be like

R: 8H 10000 10000 10000 0

Also I would change all so it’s “8h” as per PX4 standards, but it should work like that.

@RicardoM17 Changing “8H” to “8h” made the error to disappear!

Now I have to just change the control gains for the octocopter

Thank you!

no problem @kangmin7 ! Glad I could help.

Please select the comment with the solution so that this post can be closed.

Hi @kangmin7 and @RicardoM17,

I am facing a similar issue. I am able to compile and launch the new custom airframe and mixer when I run without ROS. But when I run Px4 from ROS this gives the following issue:

With ROS

INFO  [px4] Creating symlink /home/user/catkin_ws/src/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_sitl_default/etc -> /home/user/.ros/etc
Info: found model autostart file as SYS_AUTOSTART=6013
INFO  [param] selected parameter default file eeprom/parameters_6013
[param] Loaded: eeprom/parameters_6013
INFO  [dataman] Unknown restart, data manager file './dataman' size is 11798680 bytes
INFO  [simulator] Waiting for simulator to accept connection on TCP port 4560
INFO  [simulator] Simulator connected on TCP port 4560.
INFO  [commander] LED: open /dev/led0 failed (22)
ERROR [mixer_module] mixer load failed with -1
ERROR [mixer] failed to load mixers from etc/mixers/dodeca_octo.main.mix
ERROR [mixer] failed to load mixer
ERROR  [init] Failed loading mixer: etc/mixers/dodeca_octo.main.mix

Without ROS

INFO  [px4] Creating symlink /home/user/catkin_ws/src/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_sitl_default/etc -> /home/user/catkin_ws/src/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_sitl_default/tmp/rootfs/etc
Info: found model autostart file as SYS_AUTOSTART=6013
INFO  [param] selected parameter default file eeprom/parameters_6013
[param] Loaded: eeprom/parameters_6013
INFO  [dataman] Unknown restart, data manager file './dataman' size is 11798680 bytes
INFO  [simulator] Waiting for simulator to accept connection on TCP port 4560
INFO  [simulator] Simulator connected on TCP port 4560.
INFO  [commander] LED: open /dev/led0 failed (22)
INFO  [init] Mixer: etc/mixers/dodeca_octo.main.mix on /dev/pwm_output0

I checked if the mixer file is missing in the symlink path but it is there.

This is how I am launching px4 node

<node name="sitl_$(arg ID)" pkg="px4" type="px4" output="screen" args="$(find px4)/build/px4_sitl_default/etc -s etc/init.d-posix/rcS -i $(arg ID) $(arg px4_command_arg1)">

Any thoughts on what I might be missing?

I am also having the same issue with the rotor ordering. You said you had to mirror the rotors position in the Y-axis right ?

SOLUTION: I forgot to catkin build px4 ! ups