Continuous Yaw upon lift-off. PX4 Pixhawk 6X


I am experiencing continuous yaw throughout my whole flight. Below is my setup and the flight logs.


  • Generic Quadcopter with PX4 and QGC.
  • Tarot frame.
  • Pixhawk 6X from Holybro
  • M8N GPS module
  • 6S Lipo
  • T-motor 40Amp ESC
  • T-motor MN5008 motors
  • T-motor 15 inch CF props
  • Take-off weight 2.8kg

Flight logs:

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More flight logs after performing calibration again. For all of the flight I just take-off and land after a few seconds as the drone either drifts a lot and spins in the yaw axis.

Arm on ground without lift-off:

Position mode:

Stabilize mode:

Completely off topic, but you are in Chicago. So are we.

Have you gone through the normal pid tuning procedures?

It looks like your step responses are rather off.

Hi @Andrew_Wilkins ,

I have not done any PID tuning. I am fairly new to PX4 and QGC, but have built drones before with Ardupilot and Mission planner.

Can you please point me in the right direction for PID tuning or a complete guide to PX4 setup and steps before flight? I did use the px4 online docs, but might have missed it.

Only place I see tuning is in-flight autotune.

Yes we are indeed. I am a Masters in Robotics student at Northwestern University. Very briefly met you when you gave a talk there at the end of last year.


Ah, yes Zach gave the talk there.

I would say start here, but if you would like we can hop on a call and talk through more of the process. I see from the logs that that might be the main cause for this

Thank you @AWilkins_Ascend I appreciate the time. I will give feedback once I have tried the PID tuning.