Connection problem px4-gazebo-headless with off-board computer

I tried connect px4-gazebo-headless (GitHub - JonasVautherin/px4-gazebo-headless: An unofficial Ubuntu-based container building and running PX4 SITL (Software In The Loop) through gazebo.) using its docker with mavsdk example program (takeoff_and_land) that located on remote computer,
when docker ip was, host computer ip was, remote computer ip =
At first I used such command to connect docker with host computer:
docker run --rm -it jonasvautherin/px4-gazebo-headless:1.10.1
All worked fine.

Then I used next command to connect docker with remote computer:
docker run --rm -it jonasvautherin/px4-gazebo-headless:1.10.1
But in this case the message “No system found , exiting” fired!

So how can I decide this problem?? What I did wrong?