Cannot use offboard mode with global frame

I am using ROS2 foxy/px4/fastRTPS.

I tried the offboard_control example as specified here. After adding some minor modifications to synchronize the time stamp as specified in this thread

It works fine with the local coordinated. However, I would like to operate it using global coordinates so I set it as follows: = 47.3977511; // my current latitude
msg.current.lon = 8.5456072; // my current longitude
msg.current.alt = 499.0; // 10m above my current AMSL altitude
I also set
msg.current.x = 0.0;

The drone is armed successfully but it doesn’t move to the specified altitude.

Could somebody assist me on how to configure the global frame of the offboard mode?

My ROS code is:

*     @brief Offboard control example

   * @file offboard_control.cpp

   * @addtogroup examples

   * @author Mickey Cowden <>

   * @author Nuno Marques <>


   #include <px4_msgs/msg/offboard_control_mode.hpp>

   #include <px4_msgs/msg/position_setpoint_triplet.hpp>

   #include <px4_msgs/msg/timesync.hpp>

   #include <px4_msgs/msg/vehicle_command.hpp>

   #include <px4_msgs/msg/vehicle_control_mode.hpp>

   #include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>

   #include <chrono>

   #include <iostream>

   using namespace std::chrono;

   using namespace std::chrono_literals;

   using namespace px4_msgs::msg;

   class OffboardControl : public rclcpp::Node


   	OffboardControl() : Node("offboard_control")


   		offboard_control_mode_publisher_ =

   			this->create_publisher<OffboardControlMode>("OffboardControlMode_PubSubTopic", 10);

   		position_setpoint_triplet_publisher_ =

   			this->create_publisher<PositionSetpointTriplet>("PositionSetpointTriplet_PubSubTopic", 10);

   		vehicle_command_publisher_ = this->create_publisher<VehicleCommand>("VehicleCommand_PubSubTopic", 10);


   		offboard_control_mode_publisher_ =


   		position_setpoint_triplet_publisher_ =


   		vehicle_command_publisher_ = this->create_publisher<VehicleCommand>("VehicleCommand_PubSubTopic");


   		timesync_sub = this->create_subscription<px4_msgs::msg::Timesync>("Timesync_PubSubTopic",


   		[this](const px4_msgs::msg::Timesync::UniquePtr msg) {

   			timestamp = msg->timestamp;


   		offboard_setpoint_counter_ = 0;

   		auto timer_callback = [this]() -> void {

   			// define common timestamp

   			// auto timestamp = time_point_cast<microseconds>(steady_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count();

   			if (offboard_setpoint_counter_ == 100)

   				// Change to Offboard mode after 100 setpoints

   				this->publish_vehicle_command(VehicleCommand::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_SET_MODE, timestamp, 1, 6);

   				// Arm the vehicle



   			// offboard_control_mode needs to be paired with position_setpoint_triplet



   			// stop the counter after reaching 100

   			if (offboard_setpoint_counter_ < 101)




   		timer_ = this->create_wall_timer(10ms, timer_callback);


   	void arm() const;

   	void disarm() const;


   	unsigned long long timestamp;

   	rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer_;

   	rclcpp::Publisher<OffboardControlMode>::SharedPtr offboard_control_mode_publisher_;

   	rclcpp::Publisher<PositionSetpointTriplet>::SharedPtr position_setpoint_triplet_publisher_;

   	rclcpp::Publisher<VehicleCommand>::SharedPtr vehicle_command_publisher_;

   	rclcpp::Subscription<px4_msgs::msg::Timesync>::SharedPtr timesync_sub;

   	uint64_t offboard_setpoint_counter_;   //!< counter for the number of setpoints sent

   	void publish_offboard_control_mode(const long int &timestamp) const;

   	void publish_position_setpoint_triplet(const long int &timestamp) const;

   	void publish_vehicle_command(uint16_t command, const long int &timestamp, float param1 = 0.0,

   				     float param2 = 0.0) const;



   * @brief Send a command to Arm the vehicle


   void OffboardControl::arm() const

   	auto timestamp = time_point_cast<microseconds>(steady_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count();

   	publish_vehicle_command(VehicleCommand::VEHICLE_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM, timestamp, 1.0);

   	RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Arm command send");



   * @brief Send a command to Disarm the vehicle


   void OffboardControl::disarm() const

   	auto timestamp = time_point_cast<microseconds>(steady_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count();

   	publish_vehicle_command(VehicleCommand::VEHICLE_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM, timestamp, 0.0);

   	RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Disarm command send");



   * @brief Publish the offboard control mode.

   *        For this example, only position and altitude controls are active.

   * @param timestamp Timestamp of the setpoint triplet


   void OffboardControl::publish_offboard_control_mode(const long int &timestamp) const

   	OffboardControlMode msg{};

   	msg.timestamp = timestamp;

   	msg.ignore_thrust = true;

   	msg.ignore_attitude = true;

   	msg.ignore_bodyrate_x = true;

   	msg.ignore_bodyrate_y = true;

   	msg.ignore_bodyrate_z = true;

   	msg.ignore_position = false;

   	msg.ignore_velocity = true;

   	msg.ignore_acceleration_force = true;

   	msg.ignore_alt_hold = true;




   * @brief Publish position setpoint triplets.

   *        For this example, it sends position setpoint triplets to make the

   *        vehicle hover at 5 meters.

   * @param timestamp Timestamp of the setpoint triplet


   void OffboardControl::publish_position_setpoint_triplet(const long int &timestamp) const

   	PositionSetpointTriplet msg{};

   	msg.timestamp = timestamp;

   	msg.current.timestamp = timestamp;

   	msg.current.type = PositionSetpoint::SETPOINT_TYPE_POSITION;

   	msg.current.x = 0.0;

   	msg.current.y = 0.0;

   	msg.current.z = 0.0; = 47.3977514;
   	msg.current.lon = 8.5456071;
   	msg.current.alt = 499.0;

   	msg.current.yaw = 1.5707963268;

   	msg.current.cruising_speed = 2.0;

   	msg.current.position_valid = true;

   	msg.current.yaw_valid = true;

   	msg.current.alt_valid = true;

   	msg.current.valid = true;




   * @brief Publish vehicle commands

   * @param command   Command code (matches VehicleCommand and MAVLink MAV_CMD codes)

   * @param timestamp Timestamp of the command

   * @param param1    Command parameter 1

   * @param param2    Command parameter 2


   void OffboardControl::publish_vehicle_command(uint16_t command, const long int &timestamp, float param1,

   		float param2) const

   	VehicleCommand msg{};

   	msg.timestamp = timestamp;

   	msg.param1 = param1;

   	msg.param2 = param2;

   	msg.command = command;

   	msg.target_system = 1;

   	msg.target_component = 1;

   	msg.source_system = 1;

   	msg.source_component = 1;

   	msg.from_external = true;



   int main(int argc, char *argv[])

   	std::cout << "Starting offboard control node..." << std::endl;

   	setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ);

   	rclcpp::init(argc, argv);



   	return 0;


Same problem here. I hope someone can give us a helping hand.

Hi guys, I’m having the same problem. Have you figured out?

Hi @gugafelds,

Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems like the global setpoint function is not implemented on PX4 side. I would suggest converting your global coordinate to local and use local setpoint topic instead.