Can Bus exemple

Hi !

As part of using px4 on a classic can bus machine. I would like to use the can bus to communicate with the rest of my components.

By taking the NuttX example on the can bus, I get a compilation error.
Here is my code, they are in src / module :

can_pilot.cpp :

#include "can_pilot.hpp"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>

#include <nuttx/can/can.h>
#include <arch/board/board.h>

#include "stm32_can.h"

#include <px4_platform_common/log.h>

 *				Variables globales

 *				Fonction INIT

int init_can(){
	struct can_dev_s *can = stm32_caninitialize(1);

	if (can == nullptr) {
		PX4_ERR("Failed to get CAN interface");

	} else {
		/* Register the CAN driver at "/dev/can0" */
		int ret = can_register("/dev/can0", can);

		if (ret < 0) {
			PX4_ERR("can_register failed: %d", ret);

		} else {
			_fd = ::open("/dev/can0", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);

	return 0;

can_pilot.hpp :

#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <px4_platform_common/px4_config.h>

 *				Fonctions proto
int init_can();

void can_send();
void can_read();

Here is my error message:

I really hope you have an idea to help me out.

Best regards.