Autotune Failed. LOG. PLS help me

Hello everyone. We made 2 flights for the autotune settings of our 6-rotor (15kg) hexacopter. The flights went well, but we received a Autotune Failed warning 2-3 seconds after pressing autotune button. We couldn’t figure out the reason for this. There are 2 LOGs here. Could you review them? Also, is there a problem you noticed in the logs, even if it is different in this regard. What do you find successful and what do you consider problematic?

Link 1 - First flight
Flight Review (

Link 2 - First flight
Flight Review - Hexarotor (

Is it possible to manually adjust PID settings without autotune? By computational mathematical means?

Is there a catalog where we say this PID is good according to frame dimensions? For example, XX drone uses this PID. YY drone uses this PID. If I access this data, I can make manual adjustments on a PID suitable for my frame and dimensions without AUTOTUNE. Thank you.

Let’s see if @bresch has any comment.

I upgraded the firmware to 1.14.3. Still have the problem.

this is try and error method, you fly, check the graphs and change the gain accordingly.

There are actually two sets of instructions for manual tuning

The difference is that the advanced one has a lot more explanation (while the basic is more process driven).

Note also in the Autotune docs: Multicopter Auto-Tuning | PX4 Guide (main)

“In practise, autotuning generally works well for fixed-wing and multicopter, provided the frame is not too flexible.”

@hamishwillee I just saw that the documentation states that:

The recommended mode for autotuning is Altitude mode , but any other flight mode can be used. During auto tuning, the RC sticks can still be used to fly the vehicle.

This is not correct, moving the sticks while using the autotune for multirotors with immediately interrupt the autotune procedure. @MBicer This is the reason why it fails all the time for you.

Nothing to see. MOve along.

Are you implying that in AutoTune we don’t touch the sticks after hoovering at a certain height ! If this is the case, when do we know Autotune is completed.

thank you

It’ll do the roll/pitch/yaw motions and then you normally get a message in QGC

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After Autotune is completed, do we switch OFF Autotune or leave it enabled for normal flights !!

It should automatically turn off when the new tuning is applied (e.g.: after disarm).

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