Currently, I am working on a project using ROS2 to achieve offboard control of a VTOL. My Enviornment is Ubuntu 22.04, ROS 2.
I follow the official doc and achieve the offboard control to fly a square path in STIL simulation by px4_msgs::msg::TrajectorySetpoint msg.
ROS 2 Offboard Control Example | PX4 Guide (main)
I can successfully changed the mode of VTOL to FW(Fixedwing) by px4_msgs::msg::VehicleCommand msg in ROS2. But then the plane can not fly the right path.
May be the VTOL can not be offboard controlled by new uXRCE-DDS way(i.e., using px4_msgs, it is very convenient)?
Should I changed to use MAVROS to pub MAVLINK msg? I read the community suggest use new uXRCE-DDS with ROS2, is MAVROS still potential?
or Is there any helpful suggesstion for me?