Community, this board is for any organization looking for developers or drone professionals, opportunities can be full time, part-time, or contract work for freelancers, remote or on-site.
Please use this community for advertising job postings as you see fit. I strongly suggest you include links to the job posting directly instead of to a careers page, even if this means creating multiple posts.
The only rule is to follow the following Title format, and or agree to your title being updated w/o your permission by an admin.
Company name: Looking for “Job Title” for a “full time / part-time / contract” position, "remote / on site"
The top monthly posts are featured through the community channels (Discuss, Slack, Newsletter, Social Media). Please try to keep things civil we are an open community with high values.
Please reach out to the Dronecode team if you see any offenders, remember, this is your community.