How to record UVC video?

I can display video coming from my web cam and my USB EasyCap dongle. However, I can not find a way to record the video coming from these devices.

Also “Video Recording” section in Application General Settings is become hidden when I select webcam or UVC device as video source.

Is there a way to record displayed video or should i first stream incoming video as UDP/TCP/RTSP source then try to record it? I guess the latter option will introduce some lag to video and needs some development.

Thank you.

I’m not quite sure, but recording of UVC may not be supported. You may find more people who know the answer on the PX4 QGC slack channel.

Maybe something like the VewPlayCap might be what you’re looking for?

Good luck.

I use GUVCview on ubuntu linux. Works great.

But how did you get it to run in the qgroundcontrol? I have a blank image there and can only select between UDP, RTSP and TCP. Video is not working in qg even though on my system it runs fine.