VTOL - Dangerous Behavior When Using RTL_TYPE = 1 in MC

Hey everyone,
we lately had our VTOL stuck in the air for several minutes. It triggered the RTL failsafe due to RC loss and could have crashed if we had not regained RC again. The RTL_TYPE was on 1 which causes the drone to use a predefined VTOL landing pattern. If there is no valid landing pattern available, it should use the home point as RTL. We simulated the RTL while in FW beforehand and saw the expected behaviour. After the incident we simulated the RTL while in MC and saw the same benhaviour as on the field: The drone goes in a “waiting” state and does not move anymore. This will lead to a crash due to an empty battery if you dont regain RC again. Any ideas how to fix this? We cant just use the home point but must use the landing pattern to have a safe backwards transition when having to RTL in FW.

This is the simulation. We set the drone into return mode and waited approximately 90 seconds before setting it to land mode manually. It ascended to 50 m as expected but then didnt land anymore.

Thanks in advance!

Addition: It seems like the drone is selecting the loiter point (part of the landing pattern) as new setpoint but is not flying towards it. Replacing the loiter with a simple waypoint also didnt fix the issue

Second addition: We also checked if the mission pattern is faulty in any way. When entering mission mode in MC the drone perfectly follows the landing pattern and lands. If we set it in Return mode in FW, it also perfectly follows the landing pattern. Only when we set it in Return mode in MC it hovers at its current position in the RTL_RETURN_ALT and doesn’t move. When doing so QGC shows the message “RTL Mission Land: climb to 50 m”, what it does and then nothing happens.

Did you try to use a rally point as well? Maybe in MC, it refuses to accept a FW landing pattern.

Hi @A_J, thanks for your idea!
We already tried to use a rally point in addition to the landing pattern and had the same experience as without. Also the drone was following the landing pattern in MC in Mission mode perfectly which leads me to believe it shoud also be able to do it when in Return mode. When using a VTOL frame the landing pattern shouldnt be FW exclusive.

If you have further ideas, please let me know