Upload PX4 on Matek flight controller

Good afternoon, I have a flight controller Matek F722-SE http://www.mateksys.com/?portfolio=f722-se and I wanted to know if is possible to upload a PX4 firmware in it. I’m not sure if it is possible and I wasn’t able to find any documentation or something else related to this

I’m not sure if it is possible and I wasn’t able to find any documentation or something else related to this

That is because Matek is not officially supported by PX4 but community driven.

It is possible! you will need to flash the bootloader first. Then you can use QGC to flash the firmware.
Other options require a bit of embedded programming knowledge.

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@Igor_Misic thanks for the answer. Can you provide me more details (for example which Firmware I have to choose)?

Ah sorry, I misread the name of the FC. I thought it is H7. This one is not supported and it is not produced by Matek anymore.

ok I got it. Thanks for your help.

@Igor_Misic can you share firmware of quadcopter i have matek h743 slim