Unable to do any operation using MavLink

I’m trying to implement an autonomous driver using java dronevlett.mavlink client library.
I cannot understand the correct set of commands I have to send to PX4 to takeoff.
I’m working on a local windows machine with PX4 and JMAV simulator.
Communication works fine, but I always receive a MAV_RESULT_FAILED.

Here is my simplest example:

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import io.dronefleet.mavlink.;
import io.dronefleet.mavlink.common.

public class Main {

static MavlinkConnection connection;

public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException, IOException, InterruptedException {
	UdpConnector udp = new UdpConnector(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), 14570, 14550);
	connection = MavlinkConnection.create(udp.getInputStream(), udp.getOutputStream());
	new Thread() {
		public void run() {
			while (true) {
				try {
					connection.send1(255, 0,
				} catch (Exception e) {
	connection.send1(255, 0,
	connection.send1(255, 0,

	MavlinkMessage message;
	while ((message = connection.next()) != null) {
		Object p = message.getPayload();
		if (p instanceof Heartbeat || p instanceof CommandAck)
			System.out.println("" + message.getSequence() + " --> " + p);



Here is a selection of received packes:

128 --> CommandAck{command=EnumValue{value=4, entry=MAV_CMD_AQ_REQUEST_VERSION}, result=EnumValue{value=4, entry=MAV_RESULT_FAILED}, progress=0, resultParam2=0, targetSystem=0, targetComponent=0}
130 --> CommandAck{command=EnumValue{value=3001, entry=MAV_CMD_ARM_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST}, result=EnumValue{value=4, entry=MAV_RESULT_FAILED}, progress=0, resultParam2=0, targetSystem=0, targetComponent=0}
178 --> Heartbeat{type=EnumValue{value=2, entry=MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR}, autopilot=EnumValue{value=12, entry=MAV_AUTOPILOT_PX4}, baseMode=EnumValue{value=29, entry=null}, customMode=50593792, systemStatus=EnumValue{value=3, entry=MAV_STATE_STANDBY}, mavlinkVersion=3}
187 --> Heartbeat{type=EnumValue{value=2, entry=MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR}, autopilot=EnumValue{value=12, entry=MAV_AUTOPILOT_PX4}, baseMode=EnumValue{value=29, entry=null}, customMode=50593792, systemStatus=EnumValue{value=3, entry=MAV_STATE_STANDBY}, mavlinkVersion=3}

cannot understand where is my error and which sequence of commands I have to send to takeoff.
Can anyone help me?


I’m not sure if someone here is familiar with this library, you might get a response if you create an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/dronefleet/mavlink

Also, you might want to consider the Dronecode SDK which also has a Java wrapper becuase it takes care of this MAVLink logic and abstracts it from you.

On another note, you don’t need to use the Authorization unless you specifically need that. Just arming should work.

@benbarkay is the author of the library.