Hi, new to the community and running into some walls.
I have a x500 V2 quad from Holybro (Pixhawk 6X FC), using QGroundControl on a Macbook. Manual control works perfectly fine, and have had a blast planning and running missions from GCS. My current issue is sending commands from GCS (my laptop).
I’m using pymavlink and have had success LISTENING to some information, for example:
from pymavlink import mavutil
connection = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udp:localhost:14445')
print("{system %u component %u}" % (connection.target_system, connection.target_component))
while 1:
msg = connection.recv_match(type='ALTITUDE',blocking=True) #type='LOCAL_POSITION_NED'
gives me the outputs:
{system 1 component 0} ALTITUDE {time_usec : 3247797525, altitude_monotonic : -0.6024488210678101, altitude_amsl : 31.877580642700195, altitude_local : 10.720012664794922, altitude_relative : -0.2820453643798828, altitude_terrain : nan, bottom_clearance : nan} ALTITUDE {time_usec : 3250194077, altitude_monotonic : -0.6288720369338989, altitude_amsl : 31.86186981201172, altitude_local : 10.704302787780762, altitude_relative : -0.29775524139404297, altitude_terrain : nan, bottom_clearance : nan} }
However, when I try to SEND any commands, such as arm, nothing happens:
connection.mav.command_long_send(connection.target_system, connection.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
arm_msg = connection.recv_match(type='COMMAND_ACK', blocking=True)
program doesn’t move past wait_heartbeat():
{system 0 component 0}
the target_system value is also inconsistent, 0/1. Not sure how meaningful this is.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!