Hi - I’m trying to set up the toolchain on a new (M3) MacBook running Sonoma.
I’ve followed the Mac instructions and run into this error when trying to compile:
On typing: make px4_sitl gazebo-classic
I get:
Failed to import em: No module named ‘em’
You may need to install it using:
pip3 install --user empy
I try and install empy and get ‘Requirement already satisfied’. Have tried PIP uninstall and reinstall: same issue. Have also tried some of the solutions for similar issues in the forum - but sudo solution doesn’t work for me.
Thanks Abhishek - appreciate your help. empy version is 4.2 - not sure if I need to downgrade?
Am new to PX4 development - wondered if the compiler error ‘Failed to import em: No module named ‘em’’ error message was some sort of path issue somewhere?
Thanks Abhishek - I think the main setup and therefore the default instructions end up with 2 versions of python installed 3.9 and 3.12.
I cleared my .venv and set it up from scratch with a single python version (3.12) - seemed to clear the import not found error - which is a step forward.
Still not building cleanly but I’ll investigate that separately.