Takeoff_land communication problems on Windows

I am running the takeoff example on Windows.
I tried the tag 0.30 but it wasnt working to me so i went to 0.29.
I am runing it against sitl and headless jmavsim .
Sometimes it works but sometimes px4 stop communicating heartbeat on the interface and i get connection errors and other weird stuff.
in the following example i had wireshark running as well and i saw that it stopped sending any communication on port 14540.
BTW - on my linux setup all works fine !
Any ideas ?

Nir@DESKTOP-499JI63 ~/MAVSDK/examples/takeoff_land/build/Debug
$ ./takeoff_and_land udp://:14540
[08:16:34|Info ] MAVSDK version: v0.29.0-dirty (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\mavsdk_impl.cpp:27)
[08:16:34|Debug] New: System ID: 0 Comp ID: 0 (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\mavsdk_impl.cpp:404)
Waiting to discover system…
[08:16:34|Info ] New system on: (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\udp_connection.cpp:256)
[08:16:34|Debug] Component Autopilot (1) added. (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\system_impl.cpp:344)
[08:16:34|Debug] Discovered 1 component(s) (UUID: 5283920058631409231) (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\system_impl.cpp:517)
Discovered system with UUID: 5283920058631409231
e[0mDiscovered a component with type 1
Vehicle is getting ready to arm
e[34mAltitude: 0.026 me[0m
Taking off…
[08:16:37|Debug] MAVLink: info: Armed by external command (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\system_impl.cpp:250)
[08:16:37|Debug] MAVLink: info: [logger] ./log/2020-09-10/07_16_35.ulg (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\system_impl.cpp:250)
[08:16:37|Debug] MAVLink: info: Using minimum takeoff altitude: 2.50 m (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\system_impl.cpp:250)
e[34mAltitude: 0 me[0m
e[34mAltitude: 0.001 me[0m
[08:16:39|Debug] MAVLink: info: Takeoff detected (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\system_impl.cpp:250)
e[34mAltitude: 0 me[0m
e[34mAltitude: 0.009 me[0m
e[34mAltitude: 0.308 me[0m
e[34mAltitude: 1.175 me[0m
e[34mAltitude: 2.162 me[0m
e[34mAltitude: 2.515 me[0m
e[34mAltitude: 2.405 me[0m
e[34mAltitude: 2.33 me[0m
Vehicle is landing…
[08:16:47|Debug] MAVLink: info: Landing at current position (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\system_impl.cpp:250)
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
[08:16:49|Info ] heartbeats timed out (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\system_impl.cpp:255)
[08:16:49|Debug] Lost 5283920058631409231 (C:\PX4\home\MAVSDK\src\core\mavsdk_impl.cpp:431)
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…
Vehicle is landing…