Switching modes in PX4 using ROS2 and uxrce_dds

Hi @Benja , Thanks for the prompt reply. I have already gone through this from your previous conversation here .But I would like to actually know how the params are set, for example to switch to offboard mode the params are as given below.

self.publish_vehicle_command(VehicleCommand.VEHICLE_CMD_DO_SET_MODE, param1 = 1.0, param2 = 6.0)

    def publish_vehicle_command(self, command, **params):
        """Publish a vehicle command."""
        msg = VehicleCommand()
        msg.command = command
        msg.param1 = params.get("param1", 0.0)
        msg.param2 = params.get("param2", 0.0)
        msg.param3 = params.get("param3", 0.0)
        msg.param4 = params.get("param4", 0.0)
        msg.param5 = params.get("param5", 0.0)
        msg.param6 = params.get("param6", 0.0)
        msg.param7 = params.get("param7", 0.0)
        msg.target_system = 1
        msg.target_component = 1
        msg.source_system = 1
        msg.source_component = 1
        msg.from_external = True
        msg.timestamp = int(self.get_clock().now().nanoseconds / 1000)

So, how do I identify params for other cases(like hold, loiter)?