Start Coding

I would like to start coding on the Px4 for an outdoor uses but i don’t know how to start.
So i have some few questions
should i uses Ardupilot or PX4 platform? I found that Ardupilot is more performant for the outdoor thant the Px4
Do you have some documentation or some website to help me to understand the fonctionment of the flight controller and start to build some code that need modification? ( i have a Pixhawk V1 bought from


Well you are on the PX4 forum so you will likely only get advice from the px4 community.

Firstly I would highly advice looking at the px4 dev page:
This page contains all the tutorials for building your own scripts.

I have built a custom template which you could also use to make your own modules .
Modules are custom programs which you design, to perform certain operations.
I have put my template (based on the px4 template) here (as a git repository):

I hope this helps,