Hi Jaeyoung,
I have several more questions.
Is there a reason you use angular rates instead of desired roll pitch yaw to do this?
I saw there is a function
quaternion acc2quaternion(acceleration, yaw)
. Does that mean after I get aceleration from my own PID controller, I directly use directly use this function to get the desired quaternion angle? Then I can pub this quaternion angle tosetpoin_attitude/attitude
? -
If question 2 is correct, what should I use for
cmd_att.pose.position.x y z
as shown in your post? https://404warehouse.net/2015/12/20/autopilot-offboard-control-using-mavros-package-on-ros/
My understanding is that px4 wouldn’t use these three position values since it is the attitude control, only concentrate on the attitude values. Is it correct? -
From your answer this post, https://discuss.px4.io/t/trajectory-following-via-acceleration-setpoints-which-controller-to-use/7106, it seems I can directly use three desired accelerations to control the quad with
. Is it correct? (Actually my desired attitude and thrust is calculated from desired accelerations based on the flatness equation). If yes, it would simplify my work.
Thanks for your time.