Quad-Chute auto trigger due to transition Timeout

Hello everyone,

As the title says I am having an issue regarding the transition phase. The aircraft hovers to the correct altitude and heading no problem, starts the transition and when it reaches the correct airspeed it turns off the main motor and just cruises until the transition timer reaches the end and triggers quad chute. It does not complete the mission but instead just flies perfectly straight-pitched up until it triggers a quad chute and comes to land back down.

This happened in two flights in a row, I tried increasing the timeout timer but that just caused it to go further away in a straight line before triggering quad chute.

It seems the aircraft never leaves the transition phase to full fixed wing flight, what could cause this?

here are the logs:


Is my understanding incorrect? Is there something else happening in this flight that I am missing, would be very grateful if someone could help out.


Hi, were you able to fix the problem?
From the log I can see that drone never reaches the 20 m/s transition airspeed.
Do you really need to climb 150 m during transition? Doesn’t seem to be the best option if you need to increase your speed to complete the transition

I think the transition at 150 meters is a safety feature so that the parachute has enough time to set and stabilize rather than encountering a hard fall to the ground from a lower height.