Pymavlink is not working proporly in SITL

hello, i am trying to use PX4 with pymavlink but no matter how hard i tried , the drone is not working accprding to mav messages. I have tried to control the drone using qground control and it works properly with qgroundcontrol. But using pymavlink seems to be the issue. can anybody help me??

i have checked and PX4 works well with mavsdk, but not with pymavlink!!

here is the code that usese pymavlink

import time
from pymavlink import mavutil

master = mavutil.mavlink_connection("udp:")


print("Heartbeat from system (system %u component %u)" % (master.target_system, master.target_component))

master.mav.request_data_stream_send(master.target_system, master.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DATA_STREAM_ALL, 1, 1)

# Wait for and print the altitude from GLOBAL_POSITION_INT messages

while True:
    msg = master.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True)
    if msg:
        altitude = msg.relative_alt / 1000.0
        print("Altitude: %.2f meters" % altitude)

    master.target_system,  # target system
    master.target_component,  # target component
    mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM,  # command
    1,  # confirmation
    1,  # param1 (1 to indicate arm)
    0,  # param2 (unused)
    0,  # param3 (unused)
    0,  # param4 (unused)
    0,  # param5 (latitude, unused)
    0,  # param6 (longitude, unused)
    0  # param7 (altitude, unused)

print("Arm command sent!")

# Wait for a COMMAND_ACK message
while True:
    msg = master.recv_match(type='COMMAND_ACK', blocking=True)
    if msg:

# master.mav.set_mode(4)

    master.target_system,  # target system
    master.target_component,  # target component
    mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF,  # command
    1,  # confirmation
    0,  # param1 (unused)
    0,  # param2 (unused)
    0,  # param3 (unused)
    0,  # param4 (unused)
    0,  # param5 (latitude, unused)
    0,  # param6 (longitude, unused)
    700  # param7 (altitude)

while True:
    msg = master.recv_match(type='COMMAND_ACK', blocking=True)
    if msg:

master.mav.request_data_stream_send(master.target_system, master.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DATA_STREAM_ALL, 1, 1)

while True:
    msg = master.recv_match(type='COMMAND_ACK', blocking=True)
    if msg:
        altitude = msg.relative_alt / 1000.0
        print("Altitude: %.2f meters" % altitude)

master.target_system, # target system
master.target_component, # target component
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, # command
1, # confirmation
0, # param1 (unused)
0, # param2 (unused)
0, # param3 (unused)
0, # param4 (unused)
float(β€œNAN”), # param5 (latitude, unused)
float(β€œNAN”), # param6 (longitude, unused)
1200 # param7 (altitude)

I tested it on my computer and it worked normally.

what simulator you are using? i have noticed that the autopilot works differently simulator to simulator.

jamvism gazebo(new) all can