PX4 Dev Call: February 10, 2021

February 10, 2021


  • Status update by component/project
  • Roadmap, and Release discussion
  • Community Q&A
  • In-Depth discussions

Join Meeting

Project boards

Roadmap: https://github.com/orgs/PX4/projects/25

High-priority Queue: https://github.com/orgs/PX4/projects/24

Community Q&A

  • @Jacob_Crabill : Draft for very easily configurable output control. Long term idea is to have a framework to online change output mapping without adjusting mixer files. He has a bench test working with a multicopter mixed PWM and UAVCAN outputs using a controll allocation matrix. Not test flown yet, still a rough draft at the moment. We’ll likely cut release 1.12 before this big change but it will be a close follow-up after that and has the potential to justify a 2.0 release with the corresponding UI.
  • Zaky: Master thesis control allocation, fault-tolerant control. Lately control allocation was merged to master and he’s interested to start using it and is interested in what state it is and if it’s recommended to use it now.

  • @Jaeyoung-Lim Can we reserve autostart ID ranges for downstream adopters? Currently, they have to adopt if the ID is gets used upstream. Yes, that would be very useful. Let’s reserve high values in the CMakeLists.txt file that lists all of them. A pr would be apprciated.


We’re about to branch out release 1.12.

Community Q&A

In-Depth discussions

Errata and Feedback

Let me know below if we failed to capture anything the right way, and if there are any updates (not present here), or you have feedback you would like to share with the dev-team.