PX4 Community Q&A: June 14, 2023

Hi, we just did a “weather balloon” flight with PX4 a couple of weeks back and had a critical bug in the Iridium driver which result in a failed flight.

In the logs, we can see that the states of the Iridium driver “hang” for about 40 minutes. It then recovers and after a while stop completely. Which you can see in the last graph in the picture:

Here’s the log for anyone that wants to look at it in detail, here’s the link to the log: log_55_2023-5-31-16-04-32.ulg - Google Drive

Sadly, I wasn’t able to upload it to the flight preview website.

There’s the tmp61_thermistor topics that are thermistor inside the gondola to give us better temperature sensing of what’s going on in the gondola.

Basically, I’m kind of asking if anyone has an idea of what might of happen and how to fix it?

Thank you!


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