💸 PX4 Bounties are here! (Solve an Issue, receive a reward)

What does a Bounty for PX4 mean?

PX4 Community members are trying out a new initiative, PX4 Bounties :money_with_wings:. It isn’t officially supported by the Dronecode Foundation yet, but we hope that this will become natural part of PX4 Ecosystem in the near future, depending on the traction we get from this trial!

The concept is very simple:

  1. Anyone who wants specific issue resolved / new feature developed puts up a bounty (From $1, upto $10,000)
  2. Anyone in the community can claim that bounty by submitting a Pull Request that solves the issue
  3. When the Pull Request gets reviewed and merged, solver receives the bounty!

p.s. Checkout a documentation from Algora (platform we are using to organizing bounties) on how Bounty works here.

Win $1000 from this historic first PX4 bounty!

There is currently the first bounty up thanks to @AlexKlimaj and @AWilkins_Ascend for $1000. The goal is to bring back functionality of Obstacle Avoidance. Good luck solving this and potentially wining $1000!

How to check for other bounties

You can check for currently open bounties in the Algora console below.

These bounties also have the “Bounty” label in the GitHub Issues, which you can filter here.

How you can create your own bounty

Are you a company / individual who wants specific issue resolved by contributing a bounty? Follow the following steps:

  1. Create an Algora account Algora
  2. Link your Github Account as described here
  3. Create a new Community Bounty by submitting via this link: New Bounty | Algora
  4. As soon as the PX4 Maintainer approves the bounty, it will appear in the Github Issue
  5. Feel free to publicize the bounty to different channels to increase chance of it getting resolved!

If you have any further questions, check out the Algora documentation, or leave a comment below.

Notes on Fees

Since Algora is an early stage, boot-strapped (with no external funding) startup, they do charge a fee of 20% (which the person who created the bounty has to pay, and the person who solves the full original amount). After this trial, we can further discuss how this fee can be reduced / supported in different ways, but it is important to note that everyone is aware of this!

Sustainability in Open Source Development

Algora Bounties at it’s core is built to organically support the open source project and the developers. Therefore, in the future, Algora aims to provide a cut of the bounty to the project maintainers to support the project.

If the trial is successful, we will definitely aim to set up an official agreement with Dronecode to make sure the maintainers get the reward as part of the bounty as well!


Bounty image from Image by macrovector on Freepik

PX4 logo from https://docs.px4.io/main/assets/img/logo_pro_small.cb9da21a.pn