PX4-Autopilot + ViewPro Gimbal

I have tried a lot of times to connect the ViewPro gimbal via UART to the FCU and use it with PX4 with QGroundControl but I did not succeed.
I did the same with connection but with Ardupilot and there it works without any issues.
I do not want to use Ardupilot I want to stay on PX4 but issues like that are making it hard for me to work…
How can I get the Gimbal control working on PX4? Did anyone ran into the same issues?

The question is what the interface is to control a viewpro gimbal. Is it PWM, MAVLink gimbal v1, or MAVLink gimbal v2, or something else?

Knowing that we could add support to PX4 for it.

I have followed this instruction here when I was looking if it works ardupilot
I know that it supports MAVLink, but I do not know what protocol exactly.
You can also use PWM but you also can use UART.
UART is used for MAVLink PWM is used for RC control as far as I know.

I would probably contact ViewPro about it. It’s always good to make them aware about such issues.

You can try two things:

  • MNT_MODE_OUT: 1 (MAVLink gimbal v1) and set gimbal to serial+mavlink.

  • MNT_MODE_OUT: 0 (PWM) and set gimbal to PWM.
    Here you need to set up two PWM outputs in the actuator tab as gimbal pitch and gimbal yaw.
    Also, in this mode, you need to arm the vehicle to actually be able to move the gimbal!