+Please Explain mystery

Could You please explain how the input signals from Joystick or Reciever converts to useful motor signals ?
Where can I find a god Documentation to understand this mystery ?
Could You give a code example of the real algoritm ?

Best Regards Nils

It’s a deep rabbit hole to explore.
You can start from here : PX4 architecture

If you have Matlab access with UAV toolbox, you can use UAV toolbox support package for PX4 autopilots to have a easier visual understanding.

Thanks… The FlightStack Diagram was very infomative.
The Target is ArduSub Software with a PixHawk.
I have a Second Companion computer to control and superwice the five Trusters regarding RPM / Current / Power / Errors / distrubution etc.
I’m not using simple RC ESC controllers, but more industrial standard drivers.

So my next Question is how to get the Output Driver to output via Uart or Can to signal to the my Motor CPU ?

I do not like to change the ArduSub Code…


ArduSub is a part of the ardupilot software which is different from px4, you can ask your doubts regarding ardusub here.
ArduSub is not a part of PX4, so you won’t get much support here.

If you are using PX4 for your SUB, you can use use your companion computer to connect to the Pixhawk FMU hardware via uXRCE-DDS bridge, and listen to the motor commands topic.

Thanks for pointing out the complexity of the system…
So my Solution is following :
Do not change anything in the Pi or Pixhawk.
Instead add a mcu to every motor pwm output and separate the pwm value and a direction signal so they will fit my nonRC Motor Drivers.
I will check the rpm and report rotation failure via one of the Leak signals.
