hello today i did my first test fly it when crazy unstable and land down hard …few time i did the fly test and its the same …when it took off from the ground started to going crazy flying up down left right by it self …
The installation is with quadcopter x and gps is place beside the fc pixhawk 4 mini …is this ok or m i wrong for this installation ???
The calibration and the flight controller orientation of yaw= 270* is prefect no error and problem …remote controller radiomaster TX16S and receiver frsky RX8R pro Need some help here …tqvm
Your gps module has to be aligned with the Pixhaw mini. Both have to point in the same direction.
Actually they don’t you can set the offset.
I don’t think you want the GPS or FC next to the battery wires. This can cause noise in the sensors.
Please post a log file so we can help you.