I’m using Pixhawk 2.4.8 + Jetson Xavier NX and i’m using VINS_FUSION for localization of my drone…please help me with how can i use OFFBOARD mode and what topic i need to publish to make my drone fly and also my drone should take inputs of local position from VINS_FUSION because i’m not using GPS …
@Ehraz_Imam , Dear Ehraz_Imam, I’m also trying to make my drone fly autonomessly. My situation is very similar to yours. Could you please share with me the situation of your project? It’s my email(liyui1104@gmail.com). Thank you in advance!
My hardwares:
board: Jetson Xavier NX
camera: Intel Realsense D435
fligh controller: Pixhawk 6C
My softwares:
Planner: Ego-Planner
JetPack: 4.4
CUDA: 10.2
cuDNN: 8.0
ROS: melodic
OpenCV: 3.4.1 with CUDA
Eigen: 3.3.9
Ceres solver: 1.14.0
librealsense: 2.36.0
realsense-ros package: 2.2.15
Please follow this GitHub - ZJU-FAST-Lab/Fast-Drone-250: hardware and software design of the 250mm autonomous drone this could help you.
Thanks. I followed this tutorial before, but I had trouble understanding the px4ctrl package in this tutorial. Maybe I should go to learn Mavros and PX4.
Hello, the hardware I am using is the same as yours, but when I run Vins Fusion (subscribed to the IMU topic of/mavros/IMU/data_raw), it keeps prompting me to wait for IMU. I tried to change the IMU publishing frequency to 200Hz, but it didn’t work. I also tried to change the topic to/mavros/IMU/data, but it didn’t work. Have you encountered similar problems?
i solved this problem. but i m getting 12-15 fps