OFFBOARD mode using VIO

I’m using Pixhawk 2.4.8 + Jetson Xavier NX and i’m using VINS_FUSION for localization of my drone…please help me with how can i use OFFBOARD mode and what topic i need to publish to make my drone fly and also my drone should take inputs of local position from VINS_FUSION because i’m not using GPS …

@Ehraz_Imam , Dear Ehraz_Imam, I’m also trying to make my drone fly autonomessly. My situation is very similar to yours. Could you please share with me the situation of your project? It’s my email( Thank you in advance! :grinning:

My hardwares:

  1. board: Jetson Xavier NX

  2. camera: Intel Realsense D435

  3. fligh controller: Pixhawk 6C

My softwares:

  1. VIO: VINS-Fusion-GPU

  2. Planner: Ego-Planner

  3. JetPack: 4.4

  4. CUDA: 10.2

  5. cuDNN: 8.0

  6. ROS: melodic

  7. OpenCV: 3.4.1 with CUDA

  8. Eigen: 3.3.9

  9. Ceres solver: 1.14.0

  10. librealsense: 2.36.0

  11. realsense-ros package: 2.2.15

Please follow this GitHub - ZJU-FAST-Lab/Fast-Drone-250: hardware and software design of the 250mm autonomous drone this could help you.

Thanks. I followed this tutorial before, but I had trouble understanding the px4ctrl package in this tutorial. Maybe I should go to learn Mavros and PX4.

Hello, the hardware I am using is the same as yours, but when I run Vins Fusion (subscribed to the IMU topic of/mavros/IMU/data_raw), it keeps prompting me to wait for IMU. I tried to change the IMU publishing frequency to 200Hz, but it didn’t work. I also tried to change the topic to/mavros/IMU/data, but it didn’t work. Have you encountered similar problems?

i solved this problem. but i m getting 12-15 fps