Offboard mode denied


I want use offboar mode but when I want turn on offboard mode in QGC I get messange: “main state transition denied”?

How can I turn on offboard mode?


Offboard mode is pretty dangerous. Before turning on the offboard mode, I think you should read the documentation thoroughly. I suppose you have to send offboard setpoints within the first 0.5 seconds of switching to offboard mode, which is overcome by sending a few setpoints right before switching to offboard mode. You can see the code here

Hello! Thanks for answering @deksprime .

How can I send the offboard setpoint within the range of 0.5?

You can use ROS, specifically MAVROS to interface with PX4, using a companion computer. As I have mentioned in my previous comment, it is all written in this mavros_offboard example.

Ok, I will try to run the example/. Thanks!!

I’ll tell you later if the offboard mode run @deksprime