I would like to use QGroundControl with Rosetta Drone to get streams and telemetry (Location, gyro angles etc) and send them to my server in real time .
I know, that, I could see these data with MAVLink Inspector.
Is it possible to somehow extract these data in real time? Maybe this app could be used as a MAVLink relay?
What I want to achieve: DJI Drone → Rosetta app → QGroundControl → my own, custom app
I am new to dealing with, so I may miss something.
I use a library for python (i think theres’s one similar in C) called pymavlink. The library cathces the MavLink messeges between QGC and your drone. I use a PX4, but should be the same for your drone. To use this library you have to enable in your QGC something called MavLink Fowarding.
I read about something called MAVSK, i haven’t used it yet . Maybe is better this one idk.
from pymavlink import mavutil
# Set up connection to vehicle
master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udp:localhost:14550')
# Wait for the heartbeat message to ensure connection
# Get list of available MAVLink messages
msg_names = master.messages.keys()
# Print out list of available messages
print("Available MAVLink messages:")
for name in msg_names:
print("- {}".format(name))