How to test motor and control servos for fixed wing in HITL or SIH

I have a flight controller with control servos, ECS and battery for them. The vehicle should be a fixed wing.
The task is pretty simple - upload to flight controller a custom firmware, start Simulation-In-Hardware (SIH) or Hardware In The Loop simulation (HITL), open a QGC, probably enable HITL, create a mission, start it and check how motor and servos work. So I want to use the real flight controlled, real motor and servos, but emulated sensors and environment. As far as I see, HITL is not supported for fixed wing, but maybe somehow it can be used for fixed wind. But SIH is supported for fixed wing. Any thought what changes I need to do to achieve what I need? Maybe someone had such experience. Would be really grateful for your help.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile: