How to read gazebo topics tutorial, and then how to publish to ROS

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Float64.h>
#include <gazebo/transport/transport.hh>
#include <gazebo/gazebo.hh>
#include <gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh>
#include <gazebo/common/Plugin.hh>
#include <gazebo/physics/physics.hh>
#include <iostream>

namespace gazebo
    class MotorVelocityPlugin : public ModelPlugin
        MotorVelocityPlugin() : ModelPlugin(), my_motor_velocity()
            // 생성자

        virtual void Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr /*_sdf*/)
            // Gazebo 노드 생성 및 초기화
            this->node_handle = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node());

            // Gazebo 토픽 구독 및 콜백 함수 등록
            this->motor_velocity_sub = this->node_handle->Subscribe("/gazebo/default/octocopter3/motor_speed/0", &MotorVelocityPlugin::motorVelocitySubCallback, this);

            // ROS 초기화
            int argc = 0;
            char **argv = nullptr;
            ros::init(argc, argv, "motor_velocity_pub", ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler);
            this->nh.reset(new ros::NodeHandle("motor_velocity_pub"));
            this->motor_velocity_pub = this->nh->advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("/my/octocopter3/motor_speed", 10);

            // 업데이트 함수 등록
            this->updateConnection = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(std::bind(&MotorVelocityPlugin::OnUpdate, this));

        void motorVelocitySubCallback(const boost::shared_ptr<const gazebo::msgs::Any> &msg)
            // 메시지에 double 값이 있는지 확인
            if (msg->has_double_value())
                this-> = msg->double_value();
                ROS_INFO("Received motor velocity: %f", this->;
                ROS_WARN("Received a message that does not contain a double value.");

        void OnUpdate()
            // ROS 메시지 퍼블리시

        transport::NodePtr node_handle; // Gazebo 노드 핸들
        transport::SubscriberPtr motor_velocity_sub; // Gazebo 구독자
        std::unique_ptr<ros::NodeHandle> nh; // ROS 노드 핸들
        ros::Publisher motor_velocity_pub; // ROS 퍼블리셔
        std_msgs::Float64 my_motor_velocity; // ROS 메시지
        event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection; // Gazebo 업데이트 연결

    // 플러그인 등록

The code above is in the path /home/hmcl/catkin_ws/src/gazebo_tutorials/src/px4_gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp.

 * Copyright 2015 Fadri Furrer, ASL, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
 * Copyright 2015 Michael Burri, ASL, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
 * Copyright 2015 Mina Kamel, ASL, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
 * Copyright 2015 Janosch Nikolic, ASL, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
 * Copyright 2015 Markus Achtelik, ASL, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at

 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "gazebo_motor_model.h"
#include <ignition/math.hh>

namespace gazebo

    use_pid_ = false;

  void GazeboMotorModel::InitializeParams() {}

  void GazeboMotorModel::Publish()
    // std::cout << "motor_velocity_pub_ to: " << << "   "<< a++ << std::endl;
    // GetVelocity(0) 메서드는 해당 조인트의 첫 번째 축(0번 인덱스)에 대한 현재 속도를 반환합니다.
    // 반환된 현재 속도를 turning_velocity_msg_ 객체에 넣는다.
    //  FIXME: Commented out to prevent warnings about queue limit reached.
    motor_velocity_pub_->Publish(turning_velocity_msg_); // 이부분 수정했다
    // 신기하다
    //  motor_velocity_pub_ 가 pub하는 토픽에 turning_velocity_msg_ 라는 msg객체의 데이터를 담을수 있다??

  // Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)는 필수 구성요소다
  void GazeboMotorModel::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
    model_ = _model;


    if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace"))
      namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>();
      gzerr << "[gazebo_motor_model] Please specify a robotNamespace.\n";
    ////Gazebo의 transport 시스템은 시뮬레이션 내의 다양한 컴포넌트 간에 메시지 기반 통신을 가능하게 하는 매커니즘이다
     이는 Gazebo 내에서의 데이터 교환과 이벤트 처리를 위한 중요한 구조적 요소입니다.
     따라서 node_handle_은 Gazebo 환경에 특화된 노드로, Gazebo 시뮬레이션 밖에서는 사용되지 않습니다.
    node_handle_ = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node());

    if (_sdf->HasElement("jointName"))
      joint_name_ = _sdf->GetElement("jointName")->Get<std::string>();
      gzerr << "[gazebo_motor_model] Please specify a jointName, where the rotor is attached.\n";
    // Get the pointer to the joint.
    joint_ = model_->GetJoint(joint_name_);
    if (joint_ == NULL)
      gzthrow("[gazebo_motor_model] Couldn't find specified joint \"" << joint_name_ << "\".");

    // setup joint control pid to control joint
    if (_sdf->HasElement("joint_control_pid"))
      sdf::ElementPtr pid = _sdf->GetElement("joint_control_pid");
      double p = 0.1;
      if (pid->HasElement("p"))
        p = pid->Get<double>("p");
      double i = 0;
      if (pid->HasElement("i"))
        i = pid->Get<double>("i");
      double d = 0;
      if (pid->HasElement("d"))
        d = pid->Get<double>("d");
      double iMax = 0;
      if (pid->HasElement("iMax"))
        iMax = pid->Get<double>("iMax");
      double iMin = 0;
      if (pid->HasElement("iMin"))
        iMin = pid->Get<double>("iMin");
      double cmdMax = 3;
      if (pid->HasElement("cmdMax"))
        cmdMax = pid->Get<double>("cmdMax");
      double cmdMin = -3;
      if (pid->HasElement("cmdMin"))
        cmdMin = pid->Get<double>("cmdMin");
      pid_.Init(p, i, d, iMax, iMin, cmdMax, cmdMin);
      use_pid_ = true;
      use_pid_ = false;

    if (_sdf->HasElement("linkName"))
      link_name_ = _sdf->GetElement("linkName")->Get<std::string>();
      gzerr << "[gazebo_motor_model] Please specify a linkName of the rotor.\n";
    link_ = model_->GetLink(link_name_);
    if (link_ == NULL)
      gzthrow("[gazebo_motor_model] Couldn't find specified link \"" << link_name_ << "\".");

    if (_sdf->HasElement("motorNumber"))
      motor_number_ = _sdf->GetElement("motorNumber")->Get<int>();
      gzerr << "[gazebo_motor_model] Please specify a motorNumber.\n";

    if (_sdf->HasElement("turningDirection"))
      std::string turning_direction = _sdf->GetElement("turningDirection")->Get<std::string>();
      if (turning_direction == "cw")
        turning_direction_ = turning_direction::CW;
      else if (turning_direction == "ccw")
        turning_direction_ = turning_direction::CCW;
        gzerr << "[gazebo_motor_model] Please only use 'cw' or 'ccw' as turningDirection.\n";
      gzerr << "[gazebo_motor_model] Please specify a turning direction ('cw' or 'ccw').\n";

    if (_sdf->HasElement("reversible"))
      reversible_ = _sdf->GetElement("reversible")->Get<bool>();
    // std::string: 이는 템플릿 파라미터로, 읽어올 파라미터 값의 타입을 지정합니다. 여기서는 문자열 타입의 파라미터 값을 읽어옵니다.
    //_sdf: 이는 파라미터 값을 읽어올 SDF 요소를 가리킵니다. 이는 함수가 호출될 때 함수에 전달되는 SDF 객체입니다.
    //"commandSubTopic": 이는 _sdf 요소 내에서 찾고자 하는 파라미터의 이름입니다.
    // command_sub_topic_: 이는 파라미터 값을 저장할 변수입니다. 파라미터가 발견되면, 해당 값이 이 변수에 저장됩니다.
    // command_sub_topic_: 또는 이 변수의 현재 값은 파라미터가 발견되지 않았을 때 사용될 기본값으로도 기능합니다.
    // sdf 파일에서 commandSubTopic의 줄에서 /gazebo/command/motor_speed 내용을  command_sub_topic_에 저장한다.
    // 한줄 요약 command_sub_topic_ 에 /gazebo/command/motor_speed 라는 내용 담김
    getSdfParam<std::string>(_sdf, "commandSubTopic", command_sub_topic_, command_sub_topic_);
    // 한줄 요약 motor_speed_pub_topic_ 에 /motor_speed/0 라는 내용 담김
    getSdfParam<std::string>(_sdf, "motorSpeedPubTopic", motor_speed_pub_topic_,
    getSdfParam<std::string>(_sdf, "ROSMotorNumSubTopic", motor_failure_sub_topic_, motor_failure_sub_topic_);    // 내가 추가한거 --------------
    getSdfParam<std::string>(_sdf, "ROSMotorNumSubTopic1", motor_failure_sub_topic_1, motor_failure_sub_topic_1); // 내가 추가한거 --------------
    getSdfParam<std::string>(_sdf, "ROSMotorNumSubTopic2", motor_failure_sub_topic_2, motor_failure_sub_topic_2); // 내가 추가한거 --------------
    getSdfParam<std::string>(_sdf, "ROSMotorNumSubTopic3", motor_failure_sub_topic_3, motor_failure_sub_topic_3); // 내가 추가한거 --------------

    getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "rotorDragCoefficient", rotor_drag_coefficient_, rotor_drag_coefficient_);
    getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "rollingMomentCoefficient", rolling_moment_coefficient_,
    getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "maxRotVelocity", max_rot_velocity_, max_rot_velocity_);
    getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "motorConstant", motor_constant_, motor_constant_);
    getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "momentConstant", moment_constant_, moment_constant_);

    getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "timeConstantUp", time_constant_up_, time_constant_up_);
    getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "timeConstantDown", time_constant_down_, time_constant_down_);
    getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "rotorVelocitySlowdownSim", rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim_, 10);

    std::cout << "Subscribing to: " << motor_test_sub_topic_ << std::endl;
    motor_sub_ = node_handle_->Subscribe<mav_msgs::msgs::MotorSpeed>("~/" + model_->GetName() + motor_test_sub_topic_, &GazeboMotorModel::testProto, this);

    // Set the maximumForce on the joint. This is deprecated from V5 on, and the joint won't move.
    joint_->SetMaxForce(0, max_force_);
    // Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every
    // simulation iteration.
    updateConnection_ = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(boost::bind(&GazeboMotorModel::OnUpdate, this, _1));

    command_sub_ = node_handle_->Subscribe<mav_msgs::msgs::CommandMotorSpeed>("~/" + model_->GetName() + command_sub_topic_, &GazeboMotorModel::VelocityCallback, this);
    std::cout << "[gazebo_motor_model]: Subscribe to gz topic: " << motor_failure_sub_topic_ << std::endl;  // 내가 수정 ---------------------
    std::cout << "[gazebo_motor_model]: Subscribe to gz topic: " << motor_failure_sub_topic_1 << std::endl; // 내가 수정 ---------------------
    std::cout << "[gazebo_motor_model]: Subscribe to gz topic: " << motor_failure_sub_topic_2 << std::endl; // 내가 수정 ---------------------
    std::cout << "[gazebo_motor_model]: Subscribe to gz topic: " << motor_failure_sub_topic_3 << std::endl; // 내가 수정 ---------------------

    // motor_failure_sub_: 이는 구독자 객체를 저장하기 위한 변수입니다. 이 변수를 통해 생성된 구독자와의 상호작용이 이루어집니다.
    // node_handle_: Gazebo에서 통신을 관리하기 위한 노드 핸들 객체입니다. Subscribe 메서드를 호출하여 새로운 구독자를 생성합니다.
    // Subscribe<msgs::Int>: Subscribe 메서드는 특정 타입의 메시지에 대한 구독자를 생성합니다. 여기서 <msgs::Int>는 구독할 메시지의 타입을 지정합니다.
    // Subscribe<msgs::Int>: 이 경우 msgs::Int 타입의 메시지를 구독하겠다는 의미입니다. msgs::Int는 정수 값을 담을 수 있는 메시지 타입입니다.
    // motor_failure_sub_topic_: 구독할 토픽의 이름을 나타내는 문자열 변수입니다. 이 변수에 저장된 이름의 토픽에 대한 메시지가 발행될 때마다 지정된 콜백 함수가 호출됩니다.
    // this: 콜백 함수가 속한 객체의 포인터입니다. this 키워드는 현재 인스턴스를 가리키며, 여기서는 GazeboMotorModel 객체 자신을 의미합니다. 약간 self그런건가??
    motor_failure_sub_ = node_handle_->Subscribe<msgs::Int>("/gazebo/motor_failure_num", &GazeboMotorModel::MotorFailureCallback, this);    // 이부분은 수정했다 //내가 수정한거---------
    motor_failure_sub_1 = node_handle_->Subscribe<msgs::Int>("/gazebo/motor_failure_num1", &GazeboMotorModel::MotorFailureCallback1, this); // 이부분은 수정했다 //내가 수정한거---------
    motor_failure_sub_2 = node_handle_->Subscribe<msgs::Int>("/gazebo/motor_failure_num2", &GazeboMotorModel::MotorFailureCallback2, this); // 이부분은 수정했다 //내가 수정한거---------
    motor_failure_sub_3 = node_handle_->Subscribe<msgs::Int>("/gazebo/motor_failure_num3", &GazeboMotorModel::MotorFailureCallback3, this); // 이부분은 수정했다 //내가 수정한거---------

    // FIXME: Commented out to prevent warnings about queue limit reached.
    motor_velocity_pub_ = node_handle_->Advertise<std_msgs::msgs::Float>("~/" + model_->GetName() + motor_speed_pub_topic_, 10);   // 이부분 수정했다

    wind_sub_ = node_handle_->Subscribe<physics_msgs::msgs::Wind>("~/world_wind", &GazeboMotorModel::WindVelocityCallback, this); // 여기에 gazebo_wind_plugin에서 오는 /world_wind가 들어온다.

    // Create the first order filter.
    rotor_velocity_filter_.reset(new FirstOrderFilter<double>(time_constant_up_, time_constant_down_, ref_motor_rot_vel_));

  // Protobuf test
  void GazeboMotorModel::testProto(MotorSpeedPtr &msg) {
    std::cout << "Received message" << std::endl;
    std::cout << msg->motor_speed_size()<< std::endl;
    for(int i; i < msg->motor_speed_size(); i++){
      std::cout << msg->motor_speed(i) <<" ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

  // This gets called by the world update start event.
  void GazeboMotorModel::OnUpdate(const common::UpdateInfo &_info)
    sampling_time_ = _info.simTime.Double() - prev_sim_time_;
    prev_sim_time_ = _info.simTime.Double();
    UpdateMotorFail();  // 이부분 수정했다
    UpdateMotorFail1(); // 이부분 수정했다
    UpdateMotorFail2(); // 이부분 수정했다
    UpdateMotorFail3(); // 이부분 수정했다

  void GazeboMotorModel::VelocityCallback(CommandMotorSpeedPtr &rot_velocities)
    if (rot_velocities->motor_speed_size() < motor_number_)
      std::cout << "You tried to access index " << motor_number_
                << " of the MotorSpeed message array which is of size " << rot_velocities->motor_speed_size() << "." << std::endl;
      ref_motor_rot_vel_ = std::min(static_cast<double>(rot_velocities->motor_speed(motor_number_)), static_cast<double>(max_rot_velocity_));
  // const boost::shared_ptr<const msgs::Int> &fail_msg: 이 파라미터는 모터 고장 번호를 담고 있는 메시지의 포인터를 받습니다.
  // boost::shared_ptr는 C++의 스마트 포인터 중 하나로, 메모리 관리를 자동으로 처리해주며 여기서는 msgs::Int 타입의 객체를 가리킵니다.
  // fail_msg->data()를 호출하여 메시지에서 모터 고장 번호를 추출하고, 이를 motor_Failure_Number_ 멤버 변수에 저장합니다.
  // data() 메서드는 msgs::Int 타입의 메시지에서 실제 정수 값을 가져오는 데 사용됩니다.
  void GazeboMotorModel::MotorFailureCallback(const boost::shared_ptr<const msgs::Int> &fail_msg)
  { // 이부분 수정했다
    // std::cout << "Received motor failure message for motor 1: " << fail_msg->data() << std::endl;
    motor_Failure_Number_ = fail_msg->data();

  void GazeboMotorModel::MotorFailureCallback1(const boost::shared_ptr<const msgs::Int> &fail_msg)
  { // 이부분 수정했다

    motor_Failure_Number_1 = fail_msg->data();

  void GazeboMotorModel::MotorFailureCallback2(const boost::shared_ptr<const msgs::Int> &fail_msg)
  { // 이부분 수정했다

    motor_Failure_Number_2 = fail_msg->data();

  void GazeboMotorModel::MotorFailureCallback3(const boost::shared_ptr<const msgs::Int> &fail_msg)
  { // 이부분 수정했다

    motor_Failure_Number_3 = fail_msg->data();

  void GazeboMotorModel::UpdateForcesAndMoments()
    motor_rot_vel_ = joint_->GetVelocity(0); // Get the rotation rate of an axis(index)
    // motor_rot_vel_ :  [rad/s]
    // M_PI = 3.141592
    // motor_rot_vel_ / (2 * M_PI) : motor_rot_vel의 단위가 [rad/s] 인데 이거를 [Revolution / sec]로 바꾸는것
    // aliasing 방지 : 에일리어싱은 샘플링 주파수가 낮으면 실제 데이터의 모든 값을 담을수가 없다.?? 그런거??
    if (motor_rot_vel_ / (2 * M_PI) > 1 / (2 * sampling_time_))
      gzerr << "Aliasing on motor [" << motor_number_ << "] might occur. Consider making smaller simulation time steps or raising the rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim_ param.\n";
    double real_motor_velocity = motor_rot_vel_ * rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim_;
    // motor_rot_vel_: 라디안/초 (rad/s)
    // rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim_: 무차원 : 시뮬레이션에서 실제 속도를 반영하기 위한 조정 상수입니다.
    // real_motor_velocity: 라디안/초 (rad/s)

    // std::cout << "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv [" << real_motor_velocity << "] " << a++ << std::endl;
    // Ct 는 무차원 : thrust coefficient
    // F= ma   // [N] = [kg][m/s^2]
    // motor_constant_ : [kg*m]
    double force = real_motor_velocity * std::abs(real_motor_velocity) * motor_constant_;

    if (!reversible_)
      // Not allowed to have negative thrust.
      force = std::abs(force);
    // std::cout << "fffffffffffffff [" << force << "] "  << std::endl;

    // scale down force linearly with forward speed
    // XXX this has to be modelled better
    /// \brief Get the linear velocity of the origin of the link frame,
    ///        expressed in the world frame.
    /// \return Linear velocity of the link frame.
    ignition::math::Vector3d body_velocity = link_->WorldLinearVel();
    ignition::math::Vector3d joint_axis = joint_->GlobalAxis(0);
    ignition::math::Vector3d body_velocity = ignitionFromGazeboMath(link_->GetWorldLinearVel());
    ignition::math::Vector3d joint_axis = ignitionFromGazeboMath(joint_->GetGlobalAxis(0));

    // body_velocity : 각 로터의 world frame 바탕인 velocity를 가지고 있다 옥토는 8개
    // 초기에 상태
    // [0.000495 0.000687 -0.000855] 4176
    //  [0.000496 0.000688 0.000617] 4176
    //  [0.000496 0.000687 0.000516] 4176
    //  [0.000496 0.000689 0.003256] 4176
    //  [0.000495 0.000687 -0.003495] 4176
    //  [0.000496 0.000688 -0.000756] 4176
    //  [0.000496 0.000687 -0.002127] 4176
    //  [0.000496 0.000688 0.001886] 4176

    // joint_axis : 각 로터의 world frame 바탕인 축을 가져온다.
    //    [9e-06 0.00067 1] 5548
    //  [2.6e-05 0.000672 1] 5548
    //  [1.8e-05 0.000648 1] 5548
    //  [2.4e-05 0.000648 1] 5548
    //  [1.1e-05 0.00065 1] 5548
    //  [3e-05 0.000651 1] 5548
    //  [9e-06 0.00067 1] 5548
    //  [2.1e-05 0.000668 1] 5548

    ignition::math::Vector3d relative_wind_velocity = body_velocity - wind_vel_;
    // std::cout << "hihihihi [" << joint_axis << "] " << a++ << std::endl;

    ignition::math::Vector3d velocity_parallel_to_rotor_axis = (relative_wind_velocity.Dot(joint_axis)) * joint_axis;
    // velocity_parallel_to_rotor_axis : 로터 축에 평행한 속도 성분을 계산한 값

    // std::cout << "hihihihi [" << velocity_parallel_to_rotor_axis << "] " << a++ << std::endl;
    // velocity_parallel_to_rotor_axis
    //  [0.000748 -0.054489 0.604408] 6291
    //  [0.001442 -0.101861 1.12928] 6291
    //  [0.002222 -0.055256 0.612941] 6291
    //  [0.002314 -0.056979 0.631233] 6291
    //  [0.003897 -0.099503 1.10332] 6291
    //  [0.004035 -0.101197 1.12119] 6291
    //  [0.001384 -0.100388 1.11246] 6291
    //  [0.00071 -0.056189 0.622562] 6291

    double vel = velocity_parallel_to_rotor_axis.Length();

    double scalar = 1 - vel / 25.0; // at 25 m/s the rotor will not produce any force anymore
    scalar = ignition::math::clamp(scalar, 0.0, 1.0);
    // Apply a force to the link.
    link_->AddRelativeForce(ignition::math::Vector3d(0, 0, force * scalar));
    // std::cout << "wwwwwwwwwwwwwww [" << ignition::math::Vector3d(0, 0, force * scalar) << "] "  << std::endl;

    // Forces from Philppe Martin's and Erwan Salaün's
    // 2010 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation paper
    // The True Role of Accelerometer Feedback in Quadrotor Control
    // - \omega * \lambda_1 * V_A^{\perp}
    ignition::math::Vector3d velocity_perpendicular_to_rotor_axis = relative_wind_velocity - (relative_wind_velocity.Dot(joint_axis)) * joint_axis;

    // velocity_perpendicular_to_rotor_axis : 로터 축에 수직한 바람의 속도 벡터. : 계산하다보니 이거 z축 바람만 영향을 받는듯?

    ignition::math::Vector3d air_drag = -std::abs(real_motor_velocity) * rotor_drag_coefficient_ * velocity_perpendicular_to_rotor_axis;
    // Apply air_drag to link.
    // std::cout << "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [" << air_drag << "] "  << std::endl;

    // std::cout << "gggggggggggggggggggg [" << link_->WorldForce() << "] "  << std::endl;

    // Moments
    // Getting the parent link, such that the resulting torques can be applied to it.
    physics::Link_V parent_links = link_->GetParentJointsLinks(); // link_->GetParentJointsLinks()를 사용하여 현재 링크에 연결된 부모 링크들을 가져옵니다.
                                                                  // The tansformation from the parent_link to the link_.
    ignition::math::Pose3d pose_difference = link_->WorldCoGPose() ->WorldCoGPose();
    // link_->WorldCoGPose(): 현재 링크(rotor)의 질량 중심(World Center of Gravity, CoG) 위치와 자세를 반환합니다.
    //>WorldCoGPose(): 부모 링크(base_link p.s sdf파일 참조)의 질량 중심 위치와 자세를 반환합니다.
    ignition::math::Pose3d pose_difference = ignitionFromGazeboMath(link_->GetWorldCoGPose() ->GetWorldCoGPose());

    // std::cout << "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [" << link_->WorldCoGPose() << "] "  << std::endl;
    // std::cout << "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [" <<>WorldCoGPose() << "] "  << std::endl;

    // const static int CCW = 1;
    // const static int CW = -1; drag torque는 힘의 반대로 작용해야하기 때문에 CW 를 -1 로 잡았다.

    ignition::math::Vector3d drag_torque(0, 0, -turning_direction_ * force * moment_constant_);
    // drag_torque : 동력 전달 계통(동력을 전달하는 장치로서 클러치, 변속기, 추진축, 감속기, 차동기, 후차축 등의 부품)의 회전 저항을 말하며, 부하가 걸려 있지 않은 상태의 동력 전달 계통을 회전시키는 데 필요한 토크를 이른다.

    // Transforming the drag torque into the parent frame to handle arbitrary rotor orientations.
    // drag_torque_parent_frame는 부모 링크의 프레임에서 표현된 항력 토크 벡터입니다.
    ignition::math::Vector3d drag_torque_parent_frame = pose_difference.Rot().RotateVector(drag_torque);>AddRelativeTorque(drag_torque_parent_frame);
    // drag_torque_parent_frame : 역시 힘의 반대방향이 적용된다.
    // std::cout << "dddddddddddddd [" << drag_torque_parent_frame << "] " << std::endl;

    ignition::math::Vector3d rolling_moment;
    // - \omega * \mu_1 * V_A^{\perp}
    rolling_moment = -std::abs(real_motor_velocity) * turning_direction_ * rolling_moment_coefficient_ * velocity_perpendicular_to_rotor_axis;>AddTorque(rolling_moment);
    // Apply the filter on the motor's velocity.
    double ref_motor_rot_vel;
    ref_motor_rot_vel = rotor_velocity_filter_->updateFilter(ref_motor_rot_vel_, sampling_time_);

#if 0 // FIXME: disable PID for now, it does not play nice with the PX4 CI system.
  if (use_pid_)
    double err = joint_->GetVelocity(0) - turning_direction_ * ref_motor_rot_vel / rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim_;
    double rotorForce = pid_.Update(err, sampling_time_);
    joint_->SetForce(0, rotorForce);
    // gzerr << "rotor " << joint_->GetName() << " : " << rotorForce << "\n";
    // Not desirable to use SetVelocity for parts of a moving model
    // impact on rest of the dynamic system is non-physical.
    joint_->SetVelocity(0, turning_direction_ * ref_motor_rot_vel / rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim_);
    // Not ideal as the approach could result in unrealistic impulses, and
    // is only available in ODE
    joint_->SetParam("fmax", 0, 2.0);
    joint_->SetParam("vel", 0, turning_direction_ * ref_motor_rot_vel / rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim_);
    joint_->SetVelocity(0, turning_direction_ * ref_motor_rot_vel / rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim_);
    // 결국 이게 최종으로 들어가는듯 하다.
    // ref_motor_rot_vel / rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim_ 하는 이유는 확실하지 않지만, 시뮬레이션을 고려해서 rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim_ 을 곱했지만
    // 모터에 주입할때는 시뮬레이션 고려한 상수인 rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim_ 를 나누고 주입해야한다.
#endif /* if 0 */
  // 여기서부터는 있는게 없다
  void GazeboMotorModel::UpdateMotorFail()
    if (motor_number_ == motor_Failure_Number_ - 1)
      // motor_constant_ = 0.0;
      joint_->SetVelocity(0, 0);
      if (screen_msg_flag)
        std::cout << "Motor number [" << motor_Failure_Number_ << "] failed!  [Motor thrust = 0]" << std::endl;
        tmp_motor_num = motor_Failure_Number_;

        screen_msg_flag = 0;
    else if (motor_Failure_Number_ == 0 && motor_number_ == tmp_motor_num - 1)
      if (!screen_msg_flag)
        // motor_constant_ = kDefaultMotorConstant;
        std::cout << "Motor number [" << tmp_motor_num << "] running! [Motor thrust = (default)]" << std::endl;
        screen_msg_flag = 1;

  void GazeboMotorModel::UpdateMotorFail1()
    if (motor_number_ == motor_Failure_Number_1 - 1)
      // motor_constant_ = 0.0;
      joint_->SetVelocity(0, 0);
      if (screen_msg_flag1)
        std::cout << "Motor number [" << motor_Failure_Number_1 << "] failed!  [Motor thrust = 0]" << std::endl;
        tmp_motor_num1 = motor_Failure_Number_1;

        screen_msg_flag1 = 0;
    else if (motor_Failure_Number_1 == 0 && motor_number_ == tmp_motor_num1 - 1)
      if (!screen_msg_flag1)
        // motor_constant_ = kDefaultMotorConstant;
        std::cout << "Motor number [" << tmp_motor_num1 << "] running! [Motor thrust = (default)]" << std::endl;
        screen_msg_flag1 = 1;

  void GazeboMotorModel::UpdateMotorFail2()
    if (motor_number_ == motor_Failure_Number_2 - 1)
      // motor_constant_ = 0.0;
      joint_->SetVelocity(0, 0);
      if (screen_msg_flag2)
        std::cout << "Motor number [" << motor_Failure_Number_2 << "] failed!  [Motor thrust = 0]" << std::endl;
        tmp_motor_num2 = motor_Failure_Number_2;

        screen_msg_flag2 = 0;
    else if (motor_Failure_Number_2 == 0 && motor_number_ == tmp_motor_num2 - 1)
      if (!screen_msg_flag2)
        // motor_constant_ = kDefaultMotorConstant;
        std::cout << "Motor number [" << tmp_motor_num2 << "] running! [Motor thrust = (default)]" << std::endl;
        screen_msg_flag2 = 1;

  void GazeboMotorModel::UpdateMotorFail3()
    if (motor_number_ == motor_Failure_Number_3 - 1)
      // motor_constant_ = 0.0;
      joint_->SetVelocity(0, 0);
      if (screen_msg_flag3)
        std::cout << "Motor number [" << motor_Failure_Number_3 << "] failed!  [Motor thrust = 0]" << std::endl;
        tmp_motor_num3 = motor_Failure_Number_3;

        screen_msg_flag3 = 0;
    else if (motor_Failure_Number_3 == 0 && motor_number_ == tmp_motor_num3 - 1)
      if (!screen_msg_flag3)
        // motor_constant_ = kDefaultMotorConstant;
        std::cout << "Motor number [" << tmp_motor_num3 << "] running! [Motor thrust = (default)]" << std::endl;
        screen_msg_flag3 = 1;

  // typedef const boost::shared_ptr<const physics_msgs::msgs::Wind> WindPtr;
  // 여기 msg에는 gazebo_wind_plugin에서 pub되는 wind_msg이다.
  void GazeboMotorModel::WindVelocityCallback(WindPtr &msg)

    wind_vel_ = ignition::math::Vector3d(msg->velocity().x(),
    // std::cout << "[wind_vel_] :  (" << wind_vel_.X() << ", " << wind_vel_.Y() << ", " << wind_vel_.Z() << ")" << std::endl;
    // 이렇게 출력하는 이유는 << 연산자가 ignition::math::Vector3d 타입의 변수를 한번에 출력하는 방법이 정의 되어 있지 않아서이다.

    wind_vel_ += ignition::math::Vector3d(0.1,0,0);
    std::cout << "[wind_vel_] :  (" << wind_vel_.X() << ", " << wind_vel_.Y() << ", " << wind_vel_.Z() << ")" << std::endl;
    // 이거 되는듯?


The code above is in the path

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Float64.h>
#include <gazebo/transport/transport.hh>
#include <gazebo/gazebo_client.hh>
#include <gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh>
#include <iostream>

// 전역 변수로 ROS 메시지 선언
std_msgs::Float64 my_motor_velocity;

// 콜백 함수: 수신된 메시지를 처리
void motorVelocitySubCallback(const boost::shared_ptr<const gazebo::msgs::Any> &msg)
    if (msg->has_double_value()) // 메시지에 double 값이 있는지 확인
    { = msg->double_value();
        ROS_INFO("Received motor velocity: %f",;
        ROS_WARN("Received a message that does not contain a double value.");

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // Gazebo transport 초기화
    gazebo::client::setup(argc, argv);

    // Gazebo 노드 생성 및 초기화
    gazebo::transport::NodePtr node_handle(new gazebo::transport::Node());

    // Gazebo 토픽 구독 및 콜백 함수 등록
    gazebo::transport::SubscriberPtr motor_velocity_sub = node_handle->Subscribe("/gazebo/default/octocopter3/motor_speed/0", motorVelocitySubCallback);

    // ROS 초기화
    ros::init(argc, argv, "motor_velocity_pub", ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler);
    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    ros::Publisher motor_velocity_pub = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("/my/octocopter3/motor_speed", 10);

    ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

    // 무한 루프: Gazebo 메시지를 지속적으로 수신하고 ROS로 퍼블리시
    while (ros::ok())
        motor_velocity_pub.publish(my_motor_velocity); // ROS 메시지 퍼블리시
        ros::spinOnce(); // ROS 콜백 처리
        loop_rate.sleep(); // 루프 주기 대기

    // Gazebo 종료
    return 0;

This code is before px4_gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp is made like a plugin.

When I run make px4_sitl gazebo-classic_octocopter3, I believe the publisher motor_velocity_pub_ is publishing to the Gazebo topic /gazebo/default/octocopter3/motor_speed/*.

Therefore, I created a C++ file in my catkin_ws to subscribe to the Gazebo topic /gazebo/default/octocopter3/motor_speed/*. The code file I created is px4_gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp. However, when I check the topic list, I don’t see the topic I want.

I realized something is wrong, and I have a few questions:

  1. Is there a way to receive a Gazebo topic (using gazebo::transport::NodePtr node_handle(new gazebo::transport::Node());) as a ROS topic?
  2. Can Gazebo topics only be exchanged within plugins? If so, do I need to create another plugin file in the path /home/hmcl/PX4_testbed/PX4-Autopilot/Tools/simulation/gazebo-classic/sitl_gazebo-classic/src?
  3. Is it not possible to receive Gazebo topics from within the code written in catkin_ws?

I might not fully understand some parts because I am using GPT for translation. Any feedback would be appreciated!


Can you read any data from a specific Gazebo topic . i see that so many topics are printed .
What version of PX4 are you using .
Is this ROS2 or ROS 1
Do you have a flow chart for the program indicated above.

#include "gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.h"

namespace gazebo
    const std::string MotorVelocityPlugin::kDefaultCommunicateMotorVelocityPubTopic = "/motor_speed";

    MotorVelocityPlugin::MotorVelocityPlugin() : ModelPlugin(), my_motor_velocity()

        delete rosNode; // 동적으로 할당된 ROS 노드 핸들 해제

    void MotorVelocityPlugin::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
        model_ = _model;

        if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace"))
            namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>();
            gzerr << "[gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp] Please specify a robotNamespace.\n";

        if (_sdf->HasElement("communicatemotorSpeedPubTopic"))
            communicate_motor_Speed_Pub_Topic = _sdf->GetElement("communicatemotorSpeedPubTopic")->Get<std::string>();
            communicate_motor_Speed_Pub_Topic = kDefaultCommunicateMotorVelocityPubTopic;
            gzerr << "[gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp] Please specify a communicatemotorSpeedPubTopic.\n";

        if (_sdf->HasElement("communicatemotorNumber"))
            communicate_motor_Number = _sdf->GetElement("communicatemotorNumber")->Get<int>();
            gzerr << "[gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp] Please specify a communicatemotorNumber.\n";

        node_handle = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node());

        std::string topic_name = communicate_motor_Speed_Pub_Topic + std::to_string(communicate_motor_Number);
        motor_velocity_sub = node_handle->Subscribe<std_msgs::msgs::Float>(topic_name, &MotorVelocityPlugin::motorVelocitySubCallback, this);
        std::cout << "[gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp] Gazebo topic subscribed: " << topic_name << std::endl;

        if (!ros::isInitialized())
            int argc = 0;
            char **argv = nullptr;
            ros::init(argc, argv, "my_motor_velocity_pub", ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler);

        rosNode = new ros::NodeHandle(namespace_);
        my_motor_velocity_pub = rosNode->advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("/my/octocopter3/motor_speed/" + std::to_string(communicate_motor_Number), 10);
        std::cout << "[gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp] ROS node initialized and topic advertised: /my/octocopter3/motor_speed/" << std::endl;

        updateConnection = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(std::bind(&MotorVelocityPlugin::OnUpdate, this));

    void MotorVelocityPlugin::motorVelocitySubCallback(const boost::shared_ptr<const std_msgs::msgs::Float> &msg)
        // std::cout << "[gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp] Motor velocity message received" << std::endl;
        if (msg->has_data())
   = msg->data();
            std::cout << "[gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp] Received motor velocity: " << << "   " << a++ << std::endl;
            std::cout << "[gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp] Received a message that does not contain a  value." << std::endl;

    void MotorVelocityPlugin::OnUpdate()
        // std::cout << "Published motor velocity: " << << std::endl;


Thank you so much for answering my questions!

The motor_velocity_pub Gazebo node publishes the turning_velocity_msg message, and the motor_velocity_sub Gazebo node subscribes to it. When this happens, the motorVelocitySubCallback callback function is executed and stores the turning_velocity_msg message in my_motor_velocity.

Then, the my_motor_velocity_pub ROS node publishes my_motor_velocity. I want the topic /my/octocopter3/motor_speed/* to appear in the rostopic list.

I am using PX4 v1.14.0 and ROS1.

If you look at the code above, what I was going to do works now.
But I have a question.

Can Gazebo topics only be exchanged within plugins? If so, do I need to create another plugin file in the path /home/hmcl/PX4_testbed/PX4-Autopilot/Tools/simulation/gazebo-classic/sitl_gazebo-classic/src?
Is it not possible to receive Gazebo topics from within the code written in catkin_ws?

As per my question , you have answered that you are using PX4 v1.14.0 with ROS 1 . This will not work as ROS 1 is not supported on PX4 v 1.14. You have to use PX4 v1.13 .3 or earlier.

Oh, I see. Thank you for your response! I’ll start by changing the version and try again!

I’ve matched the versions correctly, and the topics are being published properly. The rostopic also outputs correctly. However, I’ve encountered another issue. After creating the plugin and then generating a joystick in QGC, the yaw control doesn’t work when I try to control the drone. The roll, pitch, and thrust controls are working fine.

I can’t figure out why the yaw control stopped working after adding the plugin.

I would appreciate any advice you could provide.

sorry… maybe my english is broken…

Can you please confirm which version of ROS and Px4 version are you using.
What are you controlling using ROS

Thank you for your response!

My explanation might be a bit unclear, and I apologize for that.

I am using ROS1 and PX4 version 1.13.0. I don’t want to control anything with ROS. What I want to do is create my own plugin so that the gazebo_motor_model.cpp can publish through the motor_velocity_pub Gazebo node, and the gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp can subscribe to it through the motor_velocity_sub node.

After that, I want to use the motor_velocity_pub ROS node in gazebo_ros_communicate_plugin.cpp so that I can see the output values of motor_velocity_pub using rostopic echo.

To summarize, I want to monitor the topics being published and subscribed to by the Gazebo nodes using rostopic.