Hi everyone,
I have a UAV and UGV set up, each containing Ardusimple RTK GNSS receivers. Is there a way to get the relative position between them?
Specification of GNSS receivers: ZED-F9P-02B.
You need to more clearly say what you want to achieve. Where do you need the relative position? In the UAV controller? In the UGV controller? In the base station computer? All 3? What type of data link do you have between the vehicles, if any. What type of data link between the vehicles and the base station, if any? What level of programming customisation is feasible in your setup?
The GNSS receivers can’t calculate their position relative to each other, only relative to the satellites and the earth. You will have to calculate the difference between the two positions. Since you have a UAV your calc may have to consider altitude also.
To calculate the relative position you need to transmit both positions so they are available to whatever controller runs the part of your code that does the calc.
If both vehicles need the difference then you have to decide if they should both calculate it independently or if one should do it and then transmit the result.
Final note the uncertainty will be high, 2x the error in the measurements which might be same order of magnitude as the position difference.
I realise that’s not a “how to” type answer but hopefully helpful.