Hello! Been using the forums for a while to build some hobby projects, and I’ve been doing some tests with MAV messages and PyMAVLink.
I have started work on a project where I would like to use a companion computer or another data source to provide my own GPS messages to the flight controller, but first ideally I would like to test with SITL.
Using Ardupilot I can set GPS type 14 and send my own mav messages which contain a reliable position estimate, is there something similar for PX4? For example could I mock a generic NMEA gps device somehow and send messages that way? I tried the USE_HILGPS flag but the messages are never registered, so i must be doing something wrong. Is there a better way to do this? Is it possible to make a software based serial connection? Or an easier way? Or will i be forced to pass a position estimate to a ‘vision’ based estimator topic? Ive found some old posts with similar issues but none were resolved. TIA!