FrSky Telemetry Wiring Setup on Pixhawk 2.4.8 (SPORT-Telemetry)

First, make sure you bind your X8R in Mode 4 (D16) by putting a jumper between signal pins 1 & 2 and 3 & 4. Once it binds, power down, remove jumpers then power back up. This will now give you 16 channels to use; 1-8 “virtual” channels that the Pixhawk can use and 9-16 “physical” channels on your X8R that you can directly control servos. So in your case, you plug your gimbal signal wire to Port #1 of the X8R and program your Tx Mixer to Channel 9.

Usually TELEM1 unless you have a Telemetry radio connected there, then use TELEM2.

From the looks of it in the photo, you have a Craft & Theory cable which will work for ArduPilot. But if you’re using PX4 stack, then read up on how to use Yaapu LUA for a very comprehensive telemetry screen on your Tx.

Good luck.

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