Flaps not working on convergence frame type

Hey everyone,

I am trying to build tilt rotor plane based on mixer from e-flight convergence. Everything is working except flaps. I tried few mixer option, that I found on forums, but non of it worked.

My mixer for AUX looks like this

Aileron 1 mixer

M: 1
S: 1 0 -7500 -7500 0 -10000 10000

Aileron 2 mixer

M: 1
S: 1 0 -7500 -7500 0 -10000 10000

Elevator mixer

M: 1
S: 1 1 10000 10000 0 -10000 10000

Rudder mixer

M: 1
S: 1 2 -10000 -10000 0 -10000 10000

Flaps mixer

M: 1
S: 0 4 10000 10000 0 -10000 10000

Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder works. Flaps do nothing