Error when compiling QGC source code

Hi everyone…
I am having hard time compiling the QGC source code using the QT creator …
When i build the project i get this error:
"unsupported windows toolchain only visual studio 2010,2012, and 2013 are supported.
i am using the QT 5.11.0 MinGW 32 bit compiler
"When executing step “qmake”.
I have visual studio 2013 installed on my win 10.
So what is wrong with the build?And how should i fix it?

QGC builds with vs 2015 and the vs 2015 version of 5.11

Hi again…
I am still facing the same problem when compiling the source code.
I am using now Qt 5.9.6 with msvc 2015 64 bit.
I have no luck compiling the code.
i am getting error shown in the figure.

So what should i do?can you please give me a step by step on what should i do? and what the final result of compiling the code should be?
And thank you.