Docs/Standards on GPS startup?

I’ve been combing through all the GPS code (still) but haven’t been able to find any standards on parameters that could be applied to all GPS units. Is there such a thing? Is there one of the devs with GPS expertise?

The reason I ask is that I’ve run into a small inconvenience where the system always complains about GPS accuracy during startup. The unicore GPS module starts reporting GPS data as soon as it achieves the first fix. Since it has so many constellations and channels, the accuracy rapidly increases as more satellites are locked in.

I would like to define an initial GPS warmup delay, or similar to prevent a low HDOP from always creating an error message. I don’t want to pollute the settings table with items specific to one piece of hardware. Maybe an initial minimum HDOP would be appropriate for all GPS units???

Which PX4 version are you using? I can try to reproduce this issue and check. If it’s indeed generally producing a warning, that’s annoying.

branch: release/1.15

Let me know if you are not able to reproduce it as I’ve been working a lot on the NMEA message parsing since most of the effort/testing appears to have gone into the u-blox parser, it does not appear to be as well tested.