Controller design with MAVROS and PX4-SITL

I am planning to make controller for quadcopter through SITL for my project. I have seen mavros/actuator_control topic where i can publish throttle, yaw,pitch and roll.I tried to publish throttle as 0.1 and setting group mix as zero for the IRIS quadcopter which is simulated in gazebo. Also I put the mode ass OFFBOARD. But the copter is not responding and it is not accepting arm command also. What did I expected was to arm the copter since i am providing constant torque. Can you tell me the solution?

Also I have one more question. Is it possible to give custom made controller outputs directly to motor through mavros to control roll, pitch and yaw instead providing reference?
Ajin A.

I think mavros/actuator_control is not using in latest version of PX4 firmware evenif it is possible to publish the values through ROS.I have seen vehicle_thrust_setpoint and vehicle_torque_setpoint in UORB messages. Is it possible to publish to those topics through ROS in any way?