Configuration for RPi3 without shield

Are the following configurations correct for Raspberry Pi 3 without any shield? Please correct if not.

df_mpu9250_wrapper start -R 10 # - MPU9250 connected to SPI of RPi3 [MOSI (pin 19), MISO (pin 21), SCLK (pin 23)], interrupt pin connected to GPIO23 (pin 16) and SPI CS connected to SPIO0 CS1 (pin 26)

df_ms5611_wrapper start # - MS5611 connected to I2C of RPi3 [SDA (pin 3), SCL (pin 5)], (SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x77)

gps start -d /dev/spidev0.0 -i spi -p ubx # - u-blox M8N GPS connected to SPI of RPi3 [MOSI (pin 19), MISO (pin 21), SCLK (pin 23)], SPI CS connected to SPIO0 CS0 (pin 24) and PPS pin not connected

linux_sbus start -d /dev/ttyS0 -c 8 # - SBus input via mini UART [RXD (pin 10), TXD (pin 8), VCC (pin 4), GND (pin 6)] of RPi3 for 8 channels

linux_pwm_out start -p pca9685 # - PWM output using PCA9685 via I2C of RPi3 [SDA (pin 3), SCL (pin 5)] and OE connected to GND