Cannot connect with a custom build (even without change)


I cannot connect my cube to a custom qgc build with usb.
I can connect to qgc 4.0.1 official release without problem so I reset my code to the 4.0.1 tag and rebuild but I am still enable to connect.

I have a message “Your Vehicle is not responding. If this continue, shutdown QGroundControl,restart the Vehicle letting it boot completely then restart QGroundControl.”

My cube is a black one with PX4 1.10.1 running and qgc is on windows.

What am I missing ?

Sorry but if the released build works then you’ll have to debug this through yourself to figure it out.

I am trying to debug it but I am stucked. I put bellow some information and if someone have any ideas on what I should do, I would really appreciate.

Here is an extract of a debug log :
LinkManagerVerboseLog: -----------------------------------------------------
LinkManagerVerboseLog: portName: “COM15”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: systemLocation: “\\.\COM15”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: description: “Legacy FMU”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: manufacturer: “Hex Technology Limited”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: serialNumber: “0”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: vendorIdentifier: 9900
LinkManagerVerboseLog: productIdentifier: 17
SerialLinkLog: Create SerialLink “\\.\COM15” 115200 0 0 8 1
SerialLinkLog: portName: “\\.\COM15”
SerialLinkLog: SerialLink: hardwareConnect to “\\.\COM15”
SerialLinkLog: PortName : “COM15” Description : “Legacy FMU”
SerialLinkLog: Manufacturer: “Hex Technology Limited”
SerialLinkLog: Configuring port
SerialLinkLog: Connection SeriaLink: with settings “\\.\COM15” 115200 8 0 1
LinkManagerVerboseLog: -----------------------------------------------------
LinkManagerVerboseLog: portName: “COM15”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: systemLocation: “\\.\COM15”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: description: “Legacy FMU”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: manufacturer: “Hex Technology Limited”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: serialNumber: “0”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: vendorIdentifier: 9900
LinkManagerVerboseLog: productIdentifier: 17
LinkManagerVerboseLog: Skipping existing autoconnect “\\.\COM15”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: -----------------------------------------------------
LinkManagerVerboseLog: portName: “COM15”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: systemLocation: “\\.\COM15”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: description: “Legacy FMU”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: manufacturer: “Hex Technology Limited”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: serialNumber: “0”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: vendorIdentifier: 9900
LinkManagerVerboseLog: productIdentifier: 17
LinkManagerVerboseLog: Skipping existing autoconnect “\\.\COM15”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: -----------------------------------------------------
LinkManagerVerboseLog: portName: “COM15”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: systemLocation: “\\.\COM15”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: description: “Legacy FMU”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: manufacturer: “Hex Technology Limited”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: serialNumber: “0”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: vendorIdentifier: 9900
LinkManagerVerboseLog: productIdentifier: 17
LinkManagerVerboseLog: Skipping existing autoconnect “\\.\COM15”
LinkManagerVerboseLog: -----------------------------------------------------

I also sniffer my com port, here is the result :
[09/03/2020 15:54:58] - Open port COM15 (D:\sources\build-qgroundcontrol-Desktop_Qt_5_12_5_MSVC2017_64bit-Debug\release\QGroundControl.exe)

[09/03/2020 15:55:04] Written data (COM15)
fe 09 00 ff be 00 00 00 00 00 06 08 c0 04 03 90 þ…ÿ¾…À…
1a .

I don’t get any data back whereas it is ok with the official release (from which I have no code changed).

That logging matches exactly what I would expect from a “Your Vehicle is not responding” error. The link is connected but nothing is coming through it. Why, no data. Hard to say. Are you using the right Qt? The right VS? Does it all match what is stated here?

I am using:
Which match what I read in the doc.

My project configuration in qt results in these build command lines :

“D:\Logiciels\Qt\Qt5.12.5\5.12.5\msvc2017_64\bin\qmake.exe D:\sources\qGroundControl\ -spec win32-msvc “CONFIG+=qtquickcompiler” && D:/Logiciels/Qt/Qt5.12.5/Tools/QtCreator/bin/jom.exe qmake_all”

“jom.exe in D:\sources\build-qgroundcontrol-Desktop_Qt_5_12_5_MSVC2017_64bit-Release”

Using breakpoints, I have not been able to find something interesting : connection seems ok but no data seem to come back as seen before

That all looks correct. No idea what’s going on.

It’s Qt errata, we need to update the docs for Windows users.

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It works !
Thank you for your help !

I can update the doc if you want.

Sorry about that. I forgot all about that change. Docs have been updated.

No problem, thank you for trying.