CANnodes not fully connecting

I recently made a post asking what is actually supposed to be displayed when using CANnodes on the can bus. Since then I have figured out what I’m supposed to be seeing, and have discovered there is something wrong, whether it be me or PX4 (or maybe something else?)

Note: All of this is using QGC, Pixhawk 6, Ark CANnode

When I plug in my CANnodes, I seem to get only some of the information that I should. I can see the the nodes pop up in the parameters tab with their node ID’s, however when using uavcan status I get no sign of life. It spews out the normal stuff but when it comes to displaying the active nodes there is nothing (as in there’s no124 OK OPERAT). I also found (not surprisingly) that anything plugged into the nodes, an air-speed sensor for example, would also not show up anywhere. However, when I enter things such as uavcan param list 124 it will display the relevant information as if an active node was there.

I’m not really sure whats going on and any help would be great. I don’t think the problem is the nodes themselves but if you think there is a reason why it would be do share


if you are using the ark cannode it might be helpful to post in the ark discord channel as they monitor that

I’ll have an ask around on there but I’m not sure this is a problem with the cannode itself

UPDATE: When using uavcan status in the MAVLink console, it appears that it sometimes ‘gives up’ halfway through and just doesn’t display all the information.

UPDATE 2: This looks to be happening on several other commands

Yeah, not saying it is the can node, but the team over there tests this stuff pretty well and can probably give you some direction into what is going on

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