What is the difference between these two, mixer and control allocator?

PX4 version : v1.14.0

When a motor fails, I would like to change the allocation matrix.
However, I am not sure which file to look at.

  1. While searching, I found something called a “mixer” and “control allocation.” What is the difference between these two?
  2. From what I understand, the mixer was used in versions prior to v1.14.0. So in versions after v1.14.0, can I just look at the control allocator file?
  3. Is the src/lib/mixer_module file used for control allocation?

As a beginner, I still have a lot to learn…
If there is anything that might help me with fault-tolerant control, please teach me anything you can!


Lastly, I saw the following code in rc.mc_apps.

Does the command * start (e.g., control_allocator start, mc_rate_control start, mc_pos_control start) mean that the corresponding folders are used when controlling and performing control allocation?

Thank you.

I’m pretty sure the latest version of px4 is already capable of changing the allocation matrix on the fly if a motor failure is detected.

One possible way could be use of Matlab/Simulink and develop your own control algorithm.

Do you happen to know in which file and which line of code the implementation is located? Also, is it implemented in both SILS and HILS?