VTOL Tilt Servo not working on AUX1

I added a new airframe based on the Claire Quad Tilt VTOL. Basically copied and pasted the airframe so far and updated the mixer file names.
I configured also then the transition to Channel 7, which seems to work. I can arm in MC mode and transition to FW mode. But my servos doesn’t move at all, it also doesn’t seem to have current at all on AUX1. Did I miss something? Or do I need to configure something additionally ?
Here is the Aux mixing file on GITHUB: https://github.com/dominiqueborer/Firmware/blob/master/ROMFS/px4fmu_common/mixers/camp_vtol.aux%20.mix

Your AUX mixer has a space in the filename and therefore won’t load

You were right! Embarassing for me :slight_smile: Thank you very much, tilt servo is now working properly.