UPD/UART: MAVROS message to PX4


I am trying to make it so that I can send ROS/MAVROS/MAVLink messages to PX4 on the same VOXL2 (running on Ubuntu 18.04 and using ROS 1 melodic). I am not trying to send messages from one computer to another.

Why am I having issues getting ROS/MAVROS/MAVLink connected to PX4? What do I have to change for PX4 to connect?

In terminal, I run the command roslaunch mavros px4.launch, and then rostopic echo mavros/state and I get the following output:
seq: 0
secs: 1718988762
nsecs: 982209441
frame_id: ‘’
connected: False
armed: False
guided: False
manual_input: False
mode: ‘’
system_status: 0


When I run voxl-inspect-services, I get the following output:
Scanning services…

Service Name | Enabled | Running | CPU Usage

docker-autorun | Disabled | Not Running |
modallink-relink | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-camera-server | Enabled | Not Running |
voxl-cpu-monitor | Enabled | Running | 0.0%
voxl-dfs-server | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-feature-tracker | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-flow-server | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-imu-server | Enabled | Running | 0.0%
voxl-lepton-server | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-mavcam-manager | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-mavlink-server | Enabled | Running | 0.5%
voxl-modem | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-neopixel-manager | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-open-vins-server | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-portal | Enabled | Running | 0.1%
voxl-px4-imu-server | Enabled | Running | 1.1%
voxl-px4 | Enabled | Running | 36.5%
voxl-qvio-server | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-rangefinder-server | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-remote-id | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-softap | Enabled | Completed |
voxl-static-ip | Enabled | Not Running |
voxl-streamer | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-tag-detector | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-tflite-server | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-time-sync | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-uvc-server | Disabled | Not Running |
voxl-vision-hub | Enabled | Running | 0.5%
voxl-wait-for-fs | Enabled | Completed |

For configuring ROS/MAVROS/PX4, I have the VOXL2 set in softap mode.
voxl2:/$ voxl-wifi

Wifi is currently set up as follows:
Current mode: softap
Current ssid: luigis_mansion_2_hd

Station mode is for connecting to a normal wifi network.
In softap mode, the VOXL will broadcast its own wifi network.
Factory mode will set up softap with the following unique SSID:

When I run voxl-px4, I get the following output:
[INFO] Reading from /etc/modalai/voxl-px4.conf
Found DSP signature file
[INFO] Daemon mode enabled


INFO [px4] mlockall() enabled. PX4’s virtual address space is locked into RAM.
INFO [px4] PX4 server already running for instance 0

When I open voxl-mavlink-server.conf in etc/modalai, the following parameters are set in the .conf file:

    "primary_static_gcs_ip":        "",
    "secondary_static_gcs_ip":      "",
    "onboard_port_to_autopilot":    14556,
    "onboard_port_from_autopilot":  14557,
    "gcs_port_to_autopilot":        14558,
    "gcs_port_from_autopilot":      14559,
    "en_external_uart_ap":  true,
    "autopilot_uart_bus":   1,
    "autopilot_uart_baudrate":      921600,
    "en_external_ap_timesync":      1,
    "en_external_ap_heartbeat":     1,
    "udp_mtu":      0,
    "gcs_timeout_s":        4.5