Hi there,
I’m trying to compare the GPS Position to the local/global position. For this i’m trying to convert the coordinates from WGS84 to NED in the same way, the EKF2 does it. To check if my transformation is right I apply it to the global position and compare the results with the local position, which to my understanding then should be the same.
I already tried two conversions, but both have an offset of ~1.5m at 500m from origin.
In the first conversion i first convert the WGS84 coordinates to ECEF, then calculate the offset to the reference position. I then convert this offset to an NED.
The second conversion is an approximation. I don’t quite understand it yet so this is the python code for it:
def wgs84_to_ned_alternative2(
ref_coords: list, lat: pd.Series, lon: pd.Series, alt: pd.Series
) -> tuple[pd.Series, pd.Series]:
Convert WGS84 coordinates to NED coordinates based on a reference point.
ref_coords (list): The reference coordinates in [lat, lon, alt].
lat (pd.Series): The latitude values to convert.
lon (pd.Series): The longitude values to convert.
alt (pd.Series): The altitude values to convert.
tuple[pd.Series, pd.Series]: North, East meters to reference point.
# Constants
a = 6378137.0 # Semi-major axis of Earth ellipsoid [m]
e = 0.0818191908426 # Eccentricity of Earth ellipsoid
# Convert reference latitude to radians
lat_ref_rad = grad_zu_rad(ref_coords[0])
# Compute auxiliary radius
R = a / np.sqrt(1 - (e * np.sin(lat_ref_rad)) ** 2)
# Transformation matrix T (diagonal elements only, since the others are zero)
T11 = ((1 - e**2) / a**2) * R**3 + ref_coords[2]
T22 = (R + ref_coords[2]) * np.cos(lat_ref_rad)
T33 = -1
# Compute relative vectors
rel_lat = grad_zu_rad(lat - ref_coords[0]) # Convert latitude difference to radians
rel_lon = grad_zu_rad(
lon - ref_coords[1]
) # Convert longitude difference to radians
rel_alt = alt - ref_coords[2]
# Apply transformation
north = T11 * rel_lat
east = T22 * rel_lon
But both conversions end up giving me a wrong result.
I tried to look in the EKF source code but i did not find the location of the transformation.
Can anyone help?